Although I am not a part of the LGBTQ community, I am part of a nation that has lost 49 innocent lives due to hatred and intolerance. My heart breaks for the families and friends of the victims and I couldn't even begin to fathom the grief they're experiencing. Along with the families and friends of those lost, my sympathy also extends to the LGBTQ community and specifically the Latinx LGBTQ community, whose vulnerability was so painfully displayed for the world to see that dire Saturday night at Orlando's Pulse Nightclub.
There are so many different issues surfacing in just one event that it's hard to discuss all of them. In one shooting issues of hate, violence, gun control, LGBTQ individuals, religion, and Hispanic culture were brought to the surface of our nation. What I'm here to tell you is that, whatever your opinion is on any of these issues, please remember that 49 lives were taken and 53 others injured in one night because of a person motivated by hate and intolerance. Right now is not a time to point fingers at the LGBTQ community, Muslims, or Hispanics for being morally unsound or deserving of such fates. Right now is a time to stop allowing these labels to shape our perceptions of the people who fall under them. Now is a time for support and unity among Americans who, despite their beliefs or backgrounds, must stand together in order to protect the Americans who, now more than ever live in fear for their lives and their rights as American citizens. We cannot continue to just look at the LGBTQ community as an exclusive community that we can just push to the outskirts of society because they are people just like you, me, and everyone else. It is time for us to stop allowing hate to permeate our hearts and our culture and to show kindness to the people who are so vulnerable in our country. We cannot continue to be a great nation if we are fighting amongst ourselves.
It does not matter what your belief is; whether you accept those different from you and show them the love and respect they deserve is up to you, not your religion or your morals. Remember as you look in disgust at the people who have different beliefs, cultures, and sexual orientations than you that they are human beings. These people have their own lives and stories and people who love and care for them. They were not placed here on Earth to receive your judgement or disapproval. Love them, help them, and support them because at the end of the day these communities have suffered great losses. Lives have been lost because hate continues to flow through our minds and pushes us to act with violence and anger.
I'm extremely proud of my country and the amount of support they have given the LGBTQ community in this tough time. Incredible amounts of people have donated blood and millions of dollars have been raised. We are starting to stand as one and unite against the rhetoric of hate. America, please continue to show this support. Continue to break religious, cultural, ethnic, and lifestyle barriers. Put yourself in the situation of the friends and family of those murdered and realize that these victims were loved and cherished and are now deeply missed.