Let’s face it. You are pretty. People tell you all the time. Your parents, your grandparents. Your friends, maybe your boyfriend. Even guys who try to slip in your DMs. However, being a “pretty” girl is not everything it is talked up to be. It’s a lot of stress at times and surprisingly, can be inconvenient.
Here are five things you should know about the “pretty” girl.
1. We don't always think we are pretty.
A lot of us have struggled with self-image in our pasts. This may be part of being a pre-teen, teenager, or even just a girl in general. However, at some point in our lives we have been unhappy with the way we looked. The media is constantly telling young ladies how to look and forcing us to compare ourselves to everyone around us. When looking at the models on magazine covers, the ladies on TV, and even complete strangers on the Instagram “explore” tab, we find ourselves doubting the way we do our hair, makeup and even the clothes we wear. Some people may think, “Oh, she’s so pretty and she knows it,” but truth is, no, we don’t. Some days we feel pretty (as should every lady in the world) but other days, we don’t. We have our own struggles, just like everyone else.
2. We are so tired of hearing, “You are so pretty! Why are you single?”
Can you be anymore shallow? We are human beings. We have personalities. We are intelligent. We have goals, dreams, and aspirations. There is so much more to us than our looks. We get asked this question a lot and it really hurts our feelings. How are you even supposed to respond? “Hmmmm…. I don’t know. Maybe you should ask all the guys that are too scared to ask me on a date.” Or maybe “I know my self-worth and I refuse to date guys like you.” Never ask a lady this question. Never.
3. We would rather be complimented on our personalities.
Looks are either genetic or makeup products painted on our faces. Our looks say absolutely nothing about us. If you want to swoon us over, personally get to know us. See what we look like without any makeup, without washing our hair for a few days, and maybe even in the morning before we brush our teeth. Look at us like this, and tell us we are smart. We are funny. We are kind. Interesting. Fun. Different. Anything but pretty. True beauty lies within. Appearances eventually fade away. Compliment us on what stays and what makes us our individual, unique, and perfect selves.
4. We don’t get asked on as many dates as you think.
I don’t know what it is, but a lot of us actually don’t get asked out that often. People may think, “Oh, she’s so pretty--she could have any guy that she wants.” Truth is—nope. It could be that guys automatically assume we are already seeing someone. They may be too scared to talk to us. I don’t know what it is, but we actually spend a lot of nights at home by ourselves watching Netflix.
5. We wish we were the girls who don’t wear any make up at all.
Make up is such as hassle. Although it’s nice when you have a pimple to cover up, it essentially is an addiction. We can hardly leave the house without it, feel almost “naked” when we don’t wear it, and spend numerous amounts of money on this stuff. We envy the ladies who don’t wear any. There is something so beautiful about someone who is comfortable in their own skin. Plus, think of all the time they save when getting ready in the morning! We wish we were you!
Lastly, I would like to say I think all individuals are beautiful and a special contribution to this world. Looks mean nothing. Attitudes, personalities, and life outlooks mean everything. It takes a lot of different people to make this world the beautiful place that it is. So, thank you for being yourself. For showing your true colors. For not wearing makeup. For being beautiful on the inside. You are all pretty. Pretty freaking great.