Crop tops and shorty-shorts are an obvious go-to when heading off to a music festival -- and are super easy to pack -- but, there are a
plethora of more abstract options I bet you did not even think of.
Walking around ACL, I started wishing I had been
collecting pictures of all the strangest outfits I encountered. Unfortunately,
I was not quick enough snapping shots of strangers, so my memories will have to
serve. Still, I now have some great source material to pull from next time I am
going to a concert and want to diverge from the norm, a bit. Here are a few outfits I saw from people who clearly wanted
to Keep Austin Weird.
Dude wearing Peter Pan outfit equipped with tights and too-short tunic. He also had his Tinker-bell sidekick with him and, instead of a flag, their group leader carried a small live tree to
ensure he could be spotted in the crowd.
Dude with Native American style braids and metallic blue
tights. Zero shirt. Honestly, no idea where this man found these tights because
they were some serious business.
Dude wearing shirt reading, “Welcome to Austin. Please don’t
move here. I hear Dallas is nice.” I guess Austin is over all the band wagoners.
Shout out to Dallas, though, so that’s nice.
Girl wearing leotard and plastic see-through lamp shade
skirt thing. She looked like she was the lead singer of an Asian pop band. I
almost thought I should grab her autograph, just in case, but didn’t want to get
too close and look overly mediocre in my shorts, by comparison.
Girl in broken foot boot. And then another girl in broken
foot boot hobbling through the mud. And then a third girl hopping around on
crutches. If that’s not persistence, I don’t know what is. I guess music still
sounds good when you are injured -- until you face plant in the mud, then nothing is good.
Girl in futuristic pink color-blocked dress that didn't
cover her butt. Oh, wait, that was Iggy Azalea. I guess that one makes sense.
Hope these provide some ideas for your next music adventure!