Most students going through school, whether younger or older, don’t realize the most important thing that they are hopefully gaining. You don’t really realize this skill or attribute when you’re younger, but as you grow older its very evident if you’ve never learned it. Back then the most important thing about school, you thought, was getting good grades. However, the one thing that’s more important that only certain teachers know how to teach, is the passion behind learning. Some teachers are better than others at instilling a drive to learn and improve in students and some would say then that these teachers are more “highly effective”. One thing is certain, that students are never going to learn to be passionate about learning if the teacher isn’t passionate about what they are teaching.
Throughout your schooling you may only come upon a couple teachers that can really pull this out of you. It may be because of the subject that the teacher is teaching or you just seem to connect with that teacher more and that helps drive you. In my case, I was lucky enough to have that special teacher, which made me love learning about anything and everything, in my mom. She was never personally my teacher in school, but that didn’t stop her from teaching me the importance of learning. Her passion she has about school, her students, and what she is teaching made me want to be a better student and to not just get good grades but to take what I learned in the class room and apply it to my life.
Having a passion for learning, a curiosity about life, is the most important skill anyone can obtain and you never really stop learning in life. You might think once you graduate that you finally have learned everything you need to know for your future job, but you could not be more wrong. You will never stop learning, whether it’s more schooling or a new job and that’s why it’s so important to instill at a young age the love of learning. Passion is the one thing that drives our determination which directly affects your motivation. The most successful people in life are the ones that never stopped learning, the ones always adapting to change, not the ones that always aced every test, but the ones that learned from the last failed one.