As teenagers, we think we know just about everything but really, we have no clue. Each day of our lives we learn something new, that's for sure, but some lessons seem to stick out much more than others. The lessons we learn our senior year of high school are vital to the life we will carry on with through our next four years or so experience in the adult world.
Things Are Not That Serious
As much as we all hate to think that our problems don't mean anything, news flash, they are minor. All the stress of SAT scores, applying to college, prom, waking up at six A.M. Monday through Friday, and how you don't feel like getting up tomorrow, seem to become a lot less dramatic when you think of your new life. You will have a new life next year and what you have done, all the stress you put into your high school assignments, will mean nothing, because you will have a new life. In a few months, you will be busting your butt at your summer job to pay for the first year of your adult life and your assignments wont be able to be copied on the bus ride to school. Realizing what lies ahead in your new life is exciting and devastating all in one. So put on your big girl/boy panties because your mommy won't be there next year to cook you dinner, lend you money, or clean your room. Enjoy where you are, things will be a lot more serious in a little while.
People Suck, But It Doesn't Matter
By this time of your high school career, you probably have come across just about everyone in your senior class, and they probably suck. Guess what? In a few months, you will be miles away from them so don't even worry about it. Life is hard when you're constantly worrying about what the ones around you are thinking or doing. When you realize that you are the only person you need to make happy in life, your life will become much more simple. It's even more of an excuse to do whatever makes you happy, because you wont see these people in a few months. If you can't make yourself happy, than no one else can. It is up to you to let what people say affect you. Go and do as you please. Hang in there, you only have a few months left.
Being Who You Are Is So Important
Next year you are going to be basically an adult; weird, I know. Next year you will live without parents, eat by yourself, do laundry by yourself, clean, study, take a shower, etc. Everything you can imagine will now not be encouraged by anyone. You will start to become an adult which is who you will be for the rest of your life. It is so important to go into your fresh start being the person that you know you are. Go in being who you truly are, because it's a place where no one knows you and you are free to act without judgment. Be the person you want to see yourself be in life, shape yourself for the rest of your life. Start your adulthood out the right way; the right way is your way.
Out of all the things I have learned in my last glorious days of high school (not), these are the most important. You only get one life to live so enjoying every moment to the fullest, cutting off all of the toxic people in the process, and being who you know you are, are truly the biggest lessons I have learned this year. So take a deep breath, take it all in, figure it out. Graduation is almost there, life flies by and believe me, you can do it.