We are virtually sponges. It is impossible to truly estimate how much environments influence us. We just take everything all in. You see that tree outside your house? Maybe that tree is the reason why you love the color green. Maybe it's the reason why you associate trees with your little brother - you found him climbing up to the tree’s highest branches one day. Maybe trees are the reason why you fear storms; there was a tree in front of your house (once upon a time), but during a particularly bad tropical storm it collapsed on your garage.
So, in short, we constantly take in what is surrounded by us, be it for better for for worse. It may incite fears, or paranoia- and believe me, I know what thats like. I live in Queens, NYC. But it can also breed inspiration, which leads to creation.
It is wonderful to write, but it is even greater when you are truly inspired to write by what you feel or witness. I have spent all my summers in this tiny fishing village named O Vicedo. It is on the most northern part of the Iberian Peninsula. I have grown to appreciate my town, and its simplicity. But ever since I have grown to appreciate it, I have only had the utmost astonishment for its raw beauty. Today I was walking down Vicedo’s small port with my grandmother. It was just about dusk. Its a port obviously, so there is water all around. And I am nothing by amazed by the site of this water. And it made me think of how much I love the ocean, and how astonishing its vastness is. Huge. And in my small fishing town, in my small port, we can see a bit of this huge ocean. And the water goes on forever, constantly swaying back and forth to the shore, and then retreating, and all the waters of all the oceans do.
I cannot even begin to describe it.
But also, I am filled with peace at the site of this water in my tiny fishing town. Peace is not something my surroundings often give me. I live in one of the most insane cities in the world. And although murder rates in NYC are basically at an all time low, there is so much to look out for. When I was younger, I had the fear that someone would kidnap my little brother. I’ve had the fear that someone would break into my house in the middle of the night (which led to many sleepless twilights). And there’s that fear thing again- something my environment gave me. So now, when I see a bit of ocean, and finally feel calm, I consider that a big deal.
In 6 months from now, when I am actually living in the “city city”, I’ll probably continue to be filled with that “city” anxiety- the too many flashing lights and sirens type, the “it’s too noisy to sleep” type. But that is life, and my decision to live in that type of environment for the next four years was entirely mine. Living in Queens most definitely affected my decision to continue living in New York, it’s my city after all. If I was raised in Vicedo, I probably wouldn’t have made the same decision, as I would have been exposed to a whole array of other types of environments and a myriad of different types of doors to open and different possibilities to choose. Still, I have nothing but gratitude for this setting. Call it what you call it, but it’s home. And it’s my home, with all its characters and oddities.