Everyone has a story. We all grew up differently. The people who raised each of us instilled different things in us. Our values are not all the same; what we think to be important is not the same. Who God is to each of us is not the same.
We were all raised in unique environments and the way we have each come to God is unique. God has been introduced to us in different ways, for different reasons. He is something different for each of us. Some see God as their father, others a stranger they are trying to get to know, and some don't see Him at all.
God plays a special role in each of our lives, no matter how you view Him, He is part of your life. He may be your everything. You go to Him when you are struggling and when you are triumphant. You speak to Him and He speaks to you. You go to Him through the Bible, prayer, nature and many other ways. The way He speaks to you, the way you feel His presence is unique to your relationship with God.
Some of you are searching. You have been told by someone in your life about a god. You have asked questions to learn about Him. He has gone from a god to God in your life. The difference has been revealed to you and now you are trying to figure out what the other mysteries about Him are. You are trying to see what role He plays in your life, what role you want Him to play in your life, if you want Him in your life.
God may be someone that you try to push out of your life. He is the thing that people keep bringing up and you want nothing to with. No matter what you do, you cannot seem to escape hearing about Him. He is not who you go to for support because you have other people or things to go to for help. He is not the center of your life, yet people keep talking about Him to you.
No matter who God is to you, He is a part of your life. He is a part of everyone's life. He is your father, your adventure, topic of conversation or annoyance. For some, He is all of these things at different times. God is bigger than each one of us. He has found a way to make Himself known to all. He is in loving relationships with some, but to others He is just a name. God has found a way to incorporate Himself into your life.
Ask yourself: "Who is God?" "How have I come to know God?" "Who is God to me?"
When you start thinking about the answer, ask the people in your life who God is to them. You might be surprised by their answer. You might learn something new. You could even find out who God is to you.