It's 2016. We are down to two different candidates who are both very unique in their own way. They both have a strong wave of supporters, they are oppositional to each other, and the media continues to feed on the rivalry.
If anyone is curious, yes I do have a candidate that I am going to choose, but I want to focus on another perspective entirely.
For too long we have been fighting amongst one another. If anyone's opinion is at all challenging in any way, someone from somewhere has to give their own thoughts (and typically not in the nicest of ways). Truth be told, there are better things that we can do with our time.
Something I want to challenge everyone in our nation is that we pray and believe that God is still in the midst of everything. I hear the concerns, the fears, and the latest gossip that pops up on Facebook. Yes, we should stay up to date with the news, but to let it drive us is where it can go too far.
Let me remind you that nothing ever catches God off guard. He knows what is going to happen and He is not caught off guard. It is up to us to trust in Him and let Him do the work that He already has planned.
For us, we need to continue to pray and stand for what we believe in. We're Christians after all! It's time to show our faith in action and rest in Him. What good is it if we talk about it but never put it into action?
The Kingdom I live under is The Kingdom of Heaven, and my king is The King of Kings. When we change our mindset to that, then what do we have to worry about? By no means will it be easy, but it will be right.
Instead of talking about the problem and what needs to change, be the change. Be a loving heart for someone who needs it. Be a kind word when someone is discouraged. All it takes is one action that can change someone.
So let's stop talking about it and do something. Trust in God, and let time take its course. After all, I have another kingdom waiting for me.