So I was talking to some of my friends from back home the other day and we were just catching up on the good times. Then one of my friends said that he was talking to this new girl and how he was starting to catch feelings for her. So my other friend asked on a scale from one to 10 how good does she look. My friend said she was about a solid eight and a half. Then my friend said, “I can’t date a girl who isn’t a 10. That’s just me I guess." As he said that, I just sat there and thought to myself, “Well, what’s really a ten?” I mean, before I always knew that a 10 is any girl who has a gorgeous face and a nice body. Once I got older, I started to think was that all a girl needed in order to be considered a 10? I mean, do we live in a generation where all a girl or guy has to be is good looking in order to be considered “perfect?” That’s when I came to the realization that I don’t believe that there is such thing as a perfect 10.
Now, before you judge me, just try and hear me out first. Although I think it’s true that looks are a big part of judging someone, I also think personality plays a role in that as well. I know we all think looks matter when we first meet someone because that’s the first thing we see on a person, but looks alone shouldn’t be how you scale someone on how attractive they are. From what I’ve learned, just because someone is good-looking doesn’t mean that they're going to have a good personality. Hell, I’ve met a lot of girls like that, especially in high school. I knew girls in high school that I thought were so beautiful until they actually opened their mouth. I remember one time I had a crush on a girl in high school for the longest time, but when I talked to her and found out she was conceited I was instantly turned off. Do you see where I’m going with this? Looks alone can’t determine whether or not someone is a 10. I feel as though you have to judge them on their looks and personality in order to give them a real number.
Also, let’s just think about it like this. By calling someone a 10, you're basically saying that person is perfect all the way around. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never in my life met a person who is perfect. Even if they got a face and body like Beyonce, everyone has some kind of flaw to them, whether it’s through their looks or personality. Plus, let’s not forget that everyone has their own different preferences in what they want in a partner, so it’s pretty hard to define what being a 10 means in one description. For instance, one guy might think that girls who are athletic with blonde hair and blue eyes are perfect, but another guy might say that he only likes girls who are nerds with darker hair. And you know what? There’s nothing wrong with that either. Two different people can like two completely different things. Now look, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t worry about someone’s looks or anything, cause let’s be real, we all want to be with someone who is good looking. I’m just saying before you put that person on a pedestal, just decide very carefully if that person really meets the requirements of being a 10.