What The Movie 'Princess Diaries' Taught Me | The Odyssey Online
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What The Movie 'Princess Diaries' Taught Me About Life As A Woman

There is more to this movie than the dramatic makeover scene. There's a real life lesson.

What The Movie 'Princess Diaries' Taught Me About Life As A Woman

Ah yes, one of the most iconic movies of all time. Princess Diaries. This 2001 blockbuster stars Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews and serves to be some of my favorite movie characters in my small world of cinematic history.

As a young girl, watching this movie gave me room to imagine what it would be like to be a princess. Yes, this was very clearly unrealistic, but for 2 hours, the reality of being a 10 year old in my living room didn't seem to matter. This movie taught me to be confident in who I am and to focus a little less on the world in my head as well as a little more to the world around me. In case you're unaware of the plot line of this movie, let me catch you up to speed (although you're 17 years late).

The movie begins with Mia, the main character, feeling completely and utterly invisible. She runs out of her debate class to throw up because of her nerves and she hides away in her tower to avoid the world that she feels tragically not apart of. There is one scene where she gets ready for school, looks in the mirror and says, "As always, this is as good as it's gonna get" as she scooters off to school. There have been plenty of times where I've muttered this to myself in high school, so that line alone was very relatable. She simply takes her self and continues to go about her day, not knowing where her true identity lies.

Right when Mia's perfectly content living her life the way it is, her royal grandmother decides to step in and change that forever. After a few striking words are exchanged between Mia and her grandmother, she meekly accepts the fact that she is who her grandmother says she is, a princess.

As the film goes on, we watch as Mia goes from insecure, doubtful and shy to confident, hopeful and bold. Not only does she begin to take her role as preparing to be a princess more seriously, but she takes the role of being her true self seriously as well. Somewhere in her head, it clicks that it doesn't matter what people think of her; she is who she is and no one can change that. This is one of the most empowering moments for me as a young girl watching this movie.

The Elenor Roosevelt quote that Joe so sweetly spoke earlier in the movie rings so true throughout this film. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". This part of the movie taught me that while other people in this world may be rude, I have the choice to stand up for myself and not back down to their words of inferiority.

By the end of the film, Mia is faced with her biggest fear: public speaking. She walks into her ball, soggy shoes and all, and speaks to the crowd with her fear pushed behind her. There is one line in her speech that has captivated me from the moment that I heard her say it.

And then I realized how many stupid times a day I use the word 'I'.

These words remind me that not everything is about what is going on in my world, and as many times as I can complain about me, there are a thousand things I could be doing that would benefit others. This movie taught me to accept my true identity and to carry myself with confidence, boldness and security while also remembering to care for the needs of others.

So to the 10 year old girl who watches this movie, or the 20 year old, I hope you realize your worth. I hope you are reminded that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent and that you are confident, bold and a world changer.

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