This past summer, I had the opportunity to go to the White House for a day to do a video shoot with now former President Obama. Now, I was obviously excited beyond all belief to be doing this, I mean, going to the White House for a day and shooting a video with our country's first black president? That is a chance that anyone would be stupid to not take advantage of.
But, being able to meet President Obama meant more to me than it would mean to most people. It was not only an honor to meet him, it was a chance to meet one of my idols, someone who I have looked up to since he was inaugurated.
When the then-Senator Obama was running, my sixth-grade self did not realize why he was so important to me.
As someone who is biracial, being both black and white, my childhood was different than the majority of my friends. The biggest thing that was different for me was that even though I am considered both black and white, people all around me would automatically label me as black. The same thing happens whenever to when someone referred to him. It was the first time I had ever seen someone in the public eye. He was just like me.
When I watched President Obama get inaugurated when I was in 6th grade, it was the first time I thought to myself, "If he can do it, then, I can do it."
President Obama showed me that no matter the situation I was in or what I came from, as long as I put my mind into everything I do and believe in myself, I can do anything.
He has constantly been someone who I look to as what I want to be when I am older. As a parent, as a public servant, as a man, President Obama was and continues to be the bar I set myself to.
So, while I was obviously upset when he left office, but, I think that it is time for him to see how he inspired a new generation. There is a whole country full of young men and women whom he inspired to push themselves further and harder to achieve things that they did not know that they could achieve.
Whether or not you liked President Obama, I don't really care what you thought about him, if I am going to totally honest.
What I want people to see from him is the fact that he pushed all of the young people of this country to hope and dream and believe. Without him guiding us, we would not have anyone to show us how to act like an adult in the public eye.
Thank you President Obama.
You will be missed.