This past week, I've been reunited with many of my extended family members of all different ages, and, as a teenager myself, I was curious to hear what they had to say about themselves as teens. I decided to ask several of them what they would tell their 15-year-old selves if they could. Here are their answers, along with their ages.
"When you do get a job, save your money." 19
"Be nicer to people." 24
"Try everything." 22
"I would not put as much pressure on myself to go to college, and I would start my own business sooner." 34
"Be confident." 37
“Know your worth, do not let your peers define you.” 40
“You are not invincible.” 45
"I would tell my 15-year-old self that high school isn't everything." 45
"Don't get married before you are old enough to legally drink at your wedding." 45
"When you're doing dangerous things and your parents say NO, listen to them.” 65
“Work hard. Have ambition and positive values.” 68
"Take your time before you make decisions. Don't make snap-judgments. Think before you leap." 69
"The trouble with trouble is that it always starts out as fun." 69
"Not to be so concerned about what everyone else thought of me." 70
“Keep listening to my mother's directives and go to school.” 73
So, what would you tell your 15-year-old self?