What Pedestrian Access Gates are Suitable for Schools? | The Odyssey Online
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What Pedestrian Access Gates are Suitable for Schools?

The introduction of pedestrian access gates into schools can strengthen the safety management of schools. On the one hand, the pedestrian barrier gate has access control settings, which can effectively prevent foreign personnel from entering and leaving the school at will. On the other hand, they can standardize the school security management. At the same time, they can record the access information of students and make better management plans. Generally there are large flows of people in schools, so compared with manual management, pedestrian access gates are better choices.

What pedestrian access gates are suitable for schools?

The pedestrian access gates installed in schools should also be selected according to school types and actual situations of the installation sites. The pedestrian access gates are different for different school types such as kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities.

1. Kindergartens

Kindergarten children are relatively small, so small swing gate channels plus face recognition verification method should be selected. The passage speed of swing gates is faster and the anti-pinch performance is also better, so it is safer for children to pass through. After parents pass the face recognition, parent names, parent registration photos and baby photos will appear. Security personnel can directly verify whether the personnel who pick up the children are effective, so as to ensure the safety of children when parents pick up them.

2. Primary and secondary schools

The school entrances of primary and secondary schools are generally in open or semi-open environment, and it is inevitable for them to be exposed to the sun and rain. Therefore, the dust-proof, waterproof and sun-proof requirements for access control turnstile gate are relatively high. Wing gates or tripod turnstiles can be selected because they have better waterproof and sun-proof performance, which can meet the requirements of outdoor installation and use. In addition, the passage speed of wing gates and tripod turnstiles is relatively fast, and about 30-35 people can pass through the gate in one minute, so there will be no congestion in the peak period of schools. These gates are highly anti-trailing. Only one person is allowed to pass at a time, and foreign personnel have no access to schools.

3. Colleges and Universities

High schools and universities can choose the turnstyle gate according to the installation sites. Anti-collision swing gates are suitable for school gates. Swing gates have waterproof, sunscreen and anti-collision functions. During the peak period of class, there is a large flow of students in and out, and many students ride bicycles. Swing gates can not only meet the passage demand of high human traffic flow, but also meet the situation of allowing people and bicycles to pass together. Anti-collision swing gates are suitable for bicycles to pass through. The gates will not be damaged by small bumps even if students accidentally hit the gates because they are anti-collision and highly anti-destructive. Wing gates can be used in dormitories, libraries, canteens and other places. While improving the level of the places, wing gates can manage the entrance and exit orderly to avoid congestion because of their high-end appearance and fast opening speed.

CXT is a professional turnstile manufacturers, we provide access control turnstiles, turn style gate and etc. Want to know more? Please contact us.

What Pedestrian Access Gates are Suitable for Schools?

The pedestrian access gates installed in schools should also be selected according to school types and actual situations of the installation sites. The pedestrian access gates are different for different school types such as kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities.

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