Leo Paul Jeudy, popularly known as Paul Prince is a professional writer, director, producer, actor, singer and entrepreneur. He started his career as a filmmaker and then expand his reach into other important fields. After writing and directing a couple of films and series, Paul also launches a career in music in 2020, he has been able to release music almost every single month from March till now. He recently released a new book "hindrance", and also working on releasing his movies "wrong decisions and "run" sometime this year.
According to Paul, "Hindrance is a book that focuses on how to win when face with obstacles and tribulations, telling the tales of many men and women such as Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Kamala Harris and many more. How they faced many obstacles but never gave up on their dreams and the task they had at hand. The Love of yourself and the will of getting what you want. During a pandemic that can be described as very hard for some, many people want to give up on their dreams because they lost their job or went bankrupted, but if you truly want to succeed this is just another bump on the road".
In February 2021, Paul Prince released his Second Novel, "Hindrance" which was published on Amazon and it's available on all platforms.