What role are you playing in your life? Do you like the role you are playing in your life? Do you feel as if there is more to you than what you believe? If you do or don't think so, then ask yourself why.
At some point you have to decide in your life whether you want to be the extra in some else's play or if you want to be the main role in your own life out on this stage. This metaphor means that you have to decide if you want to be a clone that follows some person you deem to be your leader or if you want to be your own leader. If you are just a clone of that person then you aren't really "you" are you? If you want to be someones clone then you are just a prisoner because whatever you want to do, and whoever you are is just chained to that persons truth. Their truth is part of their journey, so if you just become their same exact truth then that sounds like you are in an illusion. I called it an illusion because there is no way you are completely like that person and completely agree with that person wholeheartedly. We cast ourselves in illusions all the time because it is easy. By illusions in this world, I mean ignoring the obvious reality of the situation or of your life. You can ignore it if you do not question it or if you push aside facts that lead to the truth. If you want to live in an illusion which I believe to be a unfulfilled life, then thats obviously your choice. If you are ready and want to wake up then that leaves you one choice. It means it is time to be your own leader and that means you start to question everything. A person that is their own leader grows mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. That is what being my own leader means anyway. The basic general idea that I am getting at is that if you want to be your own leader then grow however you want in your own unique way. One that is stuck playing the extra is a prisoner, but one that is their own leader is more free than they were before. It may not feel like it because the answers weren't given to you like before, but if you become your own leader you'll embark on a lifelong journey.
At some point you have to walk out of that illusion and into your truth or reality. At some point you have to wake up and live in the world. What you have to do is start training your mind to be your own leader. Once you cut away those chains, then the chains come back for you trying to pull you down. Your mind will want to do this easy thing which is to let the chains grasp it. You have to be aware of this because at any moment you can get lost in an illusion because it is an easy choice the mind will pick. Go ahead and hike up your own mountain.