This post is an answer to Indian government's recent claim: Pakistan Exports Terrorism. Sadly enough, despite loosing 35000 Pakistani lives, who paid the ultimate price for a crime they did not commit, Pakistan is looked down as a terrorist sponsor state. Western world tends to forget that Pakistan was one of the few allies fighting on the front line along side their US partners post 9/11 war on terrorism. Anyways, the post is intended to highlight Pakistan's role in creating a system of mutual benefit for nations around the world.
Pakistan, a country of 188 million people and world's 10th largest work force, is mainly an agricultural land. Being an agricultural country Pakistan’s world standings in some related fields are as follows:
Broccoli production - 9th
Fish production - 3rd
Cotton production - 4th
Onion production - 7th
Fruit Production - 5th

Wheat production - 8th
But agriculture is not the only industry Pakistan excels in. Pakistan has a huge sports industry hat has been serving almost all sports throughout the world. From soccer balls used in FIFA World Cup to protective gear used in combat sports, Pakistan has made its name in producing quality sports products of all kinds.
Following were Pakistan's top exports from last year:
1. Cotton
2. Clothing
3. Cereals
4. Leather
5. Salt, Sulfur, and Stones.
Let us look at Pakistan's top exports to some of the major economic powers in the world during 2015:
Top Pakistani Exports to the US
1. Other textiles, worn clothing: $1.4 billion
2. Knit or crochet clothing: $1 billion
3. Clothing (not knit or crochet): $493.7 million
4. Leather, animal gut articles: $121.8 million
5. Cotton: $112.8 million
6. Medical, technical equipment: $102.5 million
7. Textile floor coverings: $54 million
8. Furniture, lighting, signs: $43.3 million
9. Sugar: $31.3 million
10. Cereals: $30.6 million
Top Pakistani Exports to China
1. Cotton: $1.3 billion
2. Cereals: $167.1 million
3. Beverages: $88.2 million
4. Ores, slag, ash: $70.6 million
5. Salt, sulphur, stone, cement: $48 million
6. Fish: $46.2 million
7. Raw hides excluding furskins: $42.1 million
8. Copper: $28 million
9. Fruits, nuts: $26.8 million
10. Other textiles, worn clothing: $26.8 million
Top Pakistani Exports to the UK
1. Other textiles, worn clothing: $571.4 million
2. Knit or crochet clothing: $355 million
3. Clothing (not knit or crochet): $282.8 million
4. Cotton: $65.1 million
5. Leather, animal gut articles: $54.2 million
6. Cereals: $54.1 million
7. Medical, technical equipment: $36.1 million
8. Toys, games: $23.7 million
9. Fruits, nuts: $15.8 million
10. Furniture, lighting, signs: $14.3 million
Top Pakistani Exports to Germany
1. Other textiles, worn clothing: $279.8 million
2. Clothing (not knit or crochet): $256.8 million
3. Knit or crochet clothing: $133.7 million
4. Leather, animal gut articles: $132.3 million
5. Cotton: $117 million
6. Medical, technical equipment: $50.7 million
7. Toys, games: $33.3 million
8. Footwear: $24.5 million
9. Raw hides excluding furskins: $16.7 million
10. Fruits, nuts: $15.6 million
Top Pakistani Exports to Netherlands
1. Other textiles, worn clothing: $165.9 million
2. Clothing (not knit or crochet): $142.7 million
3. Knit or crochet clothing: $131.8 million
4. Cotton: $64.5 million
5. Leather, animal gut articles: $43 million
6. Beverages: $24.3 million
7. Cereals: $16.1 million
8. Toys, games: $12.1 million
9. Copper: $11.7 million
10. Footwear: $7.9 million
To answer the original question. If Pakistan was exporting terrorism around the world, Pakistan would not be paying the price with its own blood. We are a nation of peace loving people and like any other nation in the world, all we want is prosperity and security for our future generations. I know some of you might be thinking about why Indian government made the claim to begin with, please keep an eye on a post on Kashmir Issue in near future and you will have your answers. Thank you for all the love and support you have been extending for my work. Please keep it coming!
Source: World's Richest Countries