1. Eating Lots of Food
When I am home for winter break, you can catch me eating at any given point during the day. My first conversation with my mom regarding break lasted at least a half an hour and consisted mainly of all of the foods I wanted to be eating over break. While I am very fortunate to have half way decent food at my college, nothing beats home cooked meals.
2. Taking Lots of Naps
This past semester was super busy for me and I didn't have much time to nap. I was also able to sleep in until 10 almost every day so naps weren't as crucial as they are now that I am on break and back to work. Napping is something I will most definitely be taking advantage of this winter break to help me survive working 40+ hours per week.
3. Organizing My Stuff
I recently moved right before I went back to school and never had a chance to fully settle in. Over break I would like to take the time to go through all of my clothes and such and get rid of what I need -- which is always a good idea. Organizing and redecorating while you're home can give you something to work on and help you stay somewhat productive over break.
4. Seeing My Friends From Home
It's so exciting when everyone is home for break and reunited. I am lucky enough to have the types of relationships where my friends and I can go months without talking and then magically pick up right where we left off as though no time has passed. There are a lot of fun things to take part in, but even if you just sit around and catch up its always great to see those old friends.
5. Spending Time With Family
My family is one of the most important aspects of my life and I love getting to spend some extra time with them over the holidays and while I am home for break. Who could pass up a trip to grandma's house for a lovely Italian meal?
6. Taking Time to Relax
After a hectic semester, break is the perfect opportunity to kick back and relax. Break out old movies, binge watch some shows on Netflix, finally read that book that you never had time for.
7. Taking Baths
Nothing is more relaxing than taking a long hot bath. When I am home I love to take advantage of the fact that I can take baths. Extra points if you have bath bombs!
8. Going Sledding
Going sledding is a must this time of year. Grab some of your childhood friends and hit the snow covered hills just like the old days!
9. Going to See Holiday Lights
Living in the Pittsburgh area, I have many options of lights to go check out this holiday season. Last year I went to Phipps, and I definitely recommend taking a trip over if you get a chance!
10. Working as Much as Possible
While this may contradict many of the items on my list, I really aim to work a lot when I am home on breaks. Staying busy and productive over break keeps me from getting bored since I am used to being constantly busy while away at school. Also, not to mention, the extra cash is always nice to save up.