I want to start by first saying I do not know everything there is to know about politics. I will not portray like I have researched more than others. Some of you would say that because of this, I should not be writing this article. However, I am familiar with social networks, media, and television and have experienced each of them first hand. I am writing today about what I have seen wrong during our time of “decision”.
Every one has their own opinion whatever view, party, religion, or race and thanks to technology we are now able to voice them more. I am proud to live in a country where we have rights and freedom. If it weren’t for them, I could not sit here today and be able to do what I am doing. Among those many rights are freedom of speech and our right to vote. These two are most evident during election time.
I will not include exactly whom I voted for in this article, nor will I include each candidate’s policies or “beliefs”. I trust that if you voted or have spoken out about this election that you are already pretty familiar with them.
I am not typing to tell you which is the right or wrong decision. Nor will I try to persuade or justify why your choice of political party is right or wrong. We have seen enough of that during the past couple of months.
So why am I writing this article? I am not making a post about complaints either (just to clear that up). No, I am writing to try to shed some light and compromise.
Abraham Lincoln once said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” This one historic quote should speak volumes to you. You see--the protests, riots, rallies, burning the American flag, or whatever it may be you are only disrespecting our country. Destroying our cities is not the solution.
We have a habit to let the media brainwash us, admit it. Each one of us has had at least one opinion influenced by the media at one point in our lives, be honest. Have you ever thought, though, that the media doesn’t reveal everything there is to know? Yes, believe it or not something can happen that the media doesn’t cover. They do have that choice. The media depends solely on what will bring them more business or views. Basically, what will profit them or make them more money.
We have seen plenty of examples of racism, or social and religious stereotyping during this time of election. It infuriates me just as much as the next. Each time another vote was collected and counted during election night I kept watching classifications such as, “Uneducated white women”, “Hispanics”, “African Americans”, or “The Millennial Generation”. Keep in mind this was on television. Each one of these profiles came firsthand from the media.
My point is that the world needs more love, less hate. This statement might sound a little cliché and childish due to the fact that it is coming from a 20 year old white American woman. I don’t have power over anyone and I am not rich, but I do have a voice. Power starts from within.
The election is over. I realize some do not agree or like the outcome of the election. You can threaten to leave, cancel classes, or act however you wish. But, at the end of the day this is America and I wouldn't want to be any where else no matter who the president. As an American I trust our country—call me gullible. But, you see--you wouldn’t be able to do some of the things you are privileged with if you were in another country. Do I agree with EVERYTHING that happens? No, absolutely not. But, I was taught to have respect for my country. I also grew up learning to love your neighbor. Instead of arguing, bashing, putting down, and destroying each other we should be spreading hope. We need each other more than ever in our world today. We are each Americans whatever the race, religion, or “classification” hand in hand. We have men and women who put their lives at risk for us each and every day. We should be sharing more smiles and gratitude, or volunteering in our communities. One of the most amazing parts of living in the USA is you can spend your time doing whatever you choose. My advice is to just choose good. Kindness doesn't cost anything, and last time I checked prayer was free too. Every day is a day of “decision”.