Everyone experiences heat breaks differently, but there are a few things every girl with a broken heart is tired of hearing. Getting your heart broken takes a lot out of someone. They're going through a lot, and maybe even some things they aren't telling you, so here's a list of things that I wish people would stop telling me when I am struggling with heartbreak.
1. You're better off without them.
Yeah, maybe that's true. But it sucks hearing that and thinking you've wasted time on something you thought was meant to be. We never thought we would have to be without them in the first place and we still don't want to be even though that's the turn life decided to take.
2. It will get better.
We all want it to get better. Nothing is worse than barely being able to get out of bed or have your thoughts consumed by someone who has broken you. It's hard to forget someone who you've made countless memories with.
3. Don't think about him.
All I can say to this one is one big fat ? How do you expect someone to just put up all road blocks to the brain and just not think about someone they've invested so much time in? If you figure out a logical answer, please let me know. When even your dreams are filled with thoughts about him, there is no escaping it.
4. You deserve better.
This may also be true, but if we wanted better, we would've been the one breaking it off, not the other way around.
It takes time, sometimes a lot of time. It's hard to lose someone you care about, especially if they were your best friend too. My advice to the girl with a broken heart is to not be afraid to cry it out. There is nothing wrong with being upset or crying in the middle of the dance floor at 1 am (even though you may look a little insane). No one really knows what you're going through, and it's okay to grieve in your own way. It hurts, I know it does. I wouldn't wish a broken heart on anyone, especially the ones who don't deserve it.