The one who never gets taken seriously because she makes a joke out of everything. The one who can find humor in every situation. You scroll past her rambling tweets every day and occasionally let out a laugh at how dumb she can be. She always has something to say, regardless of whether or not anyone will listen.
You think you know her, but there is so much more to the funny girl than meets the eye. She wears her badge proudly, but there are a few things that she probably wants you to know before she takes on the task of making you laugh.
1. She knows that she is obnoxious.
As surprising as it might sound, the resident funny girl is fully aware that she toes the line between amusing and irritating. Every word that comes out of her mouth is sure to get a reaction, regardless of her intentions. She realizes that she isn't everyone's cup of tea and generally she just doesn't care. She loves it when people are startled by what comes out of her mouth and thrives off subtle conflict and shock value. She will do pretty much anything for a good laugh, even if that means that someone thinks she is obnoxious. Chances are, if you verbalize this opinion, it will only spur her on. But rest assured, she does know how aggravating she can be.
2. She DOES have emotions.
Despite always cracking jokes and making people laugh, the funny girl does experience the same emotional spectrum that everyone else does. She just shows it in a different way. She is not sensitive and expressive of her feelings, but she sure as heck does feel. Emotions are terrifying to her.Most of the time you can expect her to make a joke out of the whole situation as a defense mechanism, and, consequently, some of her best work will come from the hardest times. Even though she won't open up all of the time, she does occasionally need a vent session with a trusted friend. So don't be surprised when she actually has an off day. They are few and far between, but they exist and when they come just take them in stride. Trust me, she is more uncomfortable about it than you are.
3. She lives in the friendzone.
Let's face it… most guys do not want a girl that is funnier than them. Please hear me when I say MOST. There is a rare breed of man out there that is looking for a lady that will give them a run for their money, but I have yet to meet one. Most of them won't flat out admit it, but the idea of a girl upstaging them in any way is intimidating, and they tend to stray away from them as a romantic interest. On the other hand, guys LOVE hanging out with the funny girl as "one of the bros." She can't complain, though. It is refreshing to be appreciated for something other than looks, so she lives in the friendzone with no hope of getting out because she refuses to be anything less than what she is. Todd LaBerge said it best: “You must not reduce yourself to a puddle just because the person you like is afraid to swim and you are a fierce sea to them." The funny girl will take this in stride and wait patiently for the guy who was born with a love for the waves.
4. She doesn't always like being the center of attention…it just happens.
Everyone gravitates toward the funny person. It's just the way it is. People love to laugh, and funny girls love to make them laugh. It's a mutually beneficial relationship that occurs at almost every social event they attend. Once they get a taste of the laughter, literally nothing can stop her from cracking jokes like her life depends on it. This does not mean that she necessarily enjoys being the center of attention, though. Yes, she likes to be appreciated for her quick wit and sarcastic comments, but she usually hates having all eyes on her for an extended period of time. Please don't mistake "funny girl" for "attention whore." People are drawn to her because she has an ability to make them feel comfortable, not because she is trying to be the life of the party.
5. She loves being told that she's funny.
It's true... nothing makes her feel better than knowing that people think she is funny. She would much rather receive a compliment about her sense of humor than how nice or pretty she is. Don't get me wrong, those are lovely compliments that anyone would enjoy, but nothing is sweeter than the high that comes from being funny. The desire to make people laugh is a disease that is both generated and cured by the validation of others. However, as much as she might love it, she absolutely does not need you to tell her that she is funny. It is just an added bonus that makes her feel appreciated for something that she takes pride in. A small compliment on her sense of humor will go a long way.
She would probably never tell you this, but what nobody tells you about the funny girl is that she hates being put into a box. She has an appreciation for the small things in life and finds any excuse to laugh. She loves the people in her life fiercely and shows her love by offering them lighthearted moments when they need them most. At the end of the day, she just wants people to be happy. Amy Poehler nailed it on the head when she said, "When in doubt, make funny faces."