Their is no denying that breakups suck, and they give you a whirlwind of emotions. After going through a few breakups in high school, I thought I would be fully prepared for any future heartbreaks I may go through in college. I was wrong. No matter how many relationships you have been in, whether its 1 or 20, the breakup never gets easier. One thing I can say though, is that I wish I wouldn't have rushed into a relationship so fast my freshman year. Although I may have spent all of freshman and sophomore year with the wrong guy, I think this breakup may have actually taught me a few good lessons.
It taught me not to settle for someone that is "good enough" when I deserve someone who should inspire me to be better. It's best to stray away from the people who aren't behind you 100% when it comes to your goals in life.
It also made me realize that second chances are okay, but third chances are not. If someone is taking advantage of your forgiveness then clearly their apologies are not sincere. Mistakes happen, but these same mistakes shouldn't be repeated over and over again.
Another thing I learned is that you can't force people to change for you. If they truly want to be with you, then they will be willing to accommodate to your needs. If I am finding myself constantly trying to get someone to change, shouldn't that be a sign that they aren't the right one for me?
Lastly, I learned that the saying "there are more fish in the sea" is very important to remember. Just because it didn't work out with one guy, doesn't mean it won't work out with someone else. It's important to stay hopeful and remember that the right person is out there, you just have to wait for the right one to come along.