We have all been in relationships, good or bad. The ones where you couldn’t stop laughing, or sadly, the ones where all you did was worry and cry. Some last a week and others make it past the six month mark, or even last two years.
High school came and went and for most of us, and that was the time our first “real” boyfriend/girlfriend entered our lives and exited, but it happened, and it was special. I am not talking about your first crush, the one you were to shy to talk to or your palms were to sweaty to hold hands with and you thought you were in love, but the one. The one who treated you properly, the one who made you laugh and made forts in the bed of his truck under the stars. The one who taught you that there could be good and healthy relationships, even if you were only 17, but forever 17, right?
High school was a growing experience; it was tough and crazy and fun. You opened my mind up to new possibilities, new ways of thinking. You welcomed me into your world, and showed me that relationships could be easy, fun, and full of love. For that, a piece of me will always love you, even if I’m not in love with you. Though we may have lost touch or our lives went in separate directions, I am honored that we shared the time that we did. You may be a thousand miles away or in the next town over, it doesn’t matter much, because we both grew up, said our goodbyes, and our relationship has now past, but what you taught me will remain with me forever.
You taught me that I deserve the world and you set the standard for the rest to follow.
Being my first “true” love, I had no other relationship to compare you to, in a sense that I had no idea what I wanted or didn’t want in a relationship. I was new at it. The whole first kiss ordeal and the first introduction to the parents, I was a newbie all the way. But you can bet that after you, I know what is good for me and what is bad for me. You showed me what I do deserve; a great guy like yourself, and that I should not settle otherwise.
You taught me that relationships without similar values and morals are difficult.
Although we had some great memories, not sharing the same belief system really was the turning point in our relationship. We didn’t always agree on some values and morals, which in the long haul hurt both me and you.
You taught me that rational thinking in midst of a fight is important.
When conversations get heated and tempers break, words are spoken that shouldn’t be spoken. Irrational words can hurt anyone. When I was moody and said hurtful words, your rational thinking and kind words taught me to be mature and that my words can have consequences.
You taught me that being a kid for a little while longer is OK.
We were young and free of debt, bills, and jobs. We spent most of our days eating shaved ice and staying out late. When I would stress about college or graduating high school, you always assured me that we had time to put it off and enjoy our last summer together.
You taught me when to let go.
We didn’t work out for many different reasons, but taking that step into the “real” world and going to college was just part of growing up. We weren’t meant to be, but what we shared was definitely real. You gave me the best laughs and the sweetest memories. From cheesy dates to baseball games, we grew up together. Thank you for letting me remain a child for just a bit longer. We graduated together and went to college, but we were kids. We had unrealistic expectations for the real world, we fought to stay together, but in the end, separating was for the best.
Most importantly, you taught me how to love.
Our relationship shaped how we both now look for other partners and how we treat them. As we age and enter into new relationships, I will always hold a special place in my heart for you. You got me through the awkward stages and loved my now awful wardrobe choices. And one day when we pass each other on the street, I hope to see your life full of happiness and a wonderful woman on your arm, because you deserve the world, even if I couldn’t give it to you.
Thank you for what you taught me, and I wish you all the best.
Your high school love.