Greek life is not for everyone. The idea of being around so many women, or men, 24/7 sounds a bit intimating. It also sounds like too much estrogen or testosterone to be dealing with. Although Greek life has been given a bad reputation, it is not what everyone thinks it is.
I got my first bid last year in September, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I saw all these girls getting so excited to be in the sorority they wanted to be in, and all I kept thinking was, “What’s the big deal?” Of course, I was excited to be an Alpha Chi Omega, but I did not realize how much of an impact it would make once I accepted my bid.
I remember bid day as being an exciting, yet awkward day. It was so cool to see all these women dressed in colorful clothes doing cheers and chants. It seemed like each sorority was competing for who could scream the loudest. I felt awkward just sitting in the grass watching all these girls scream because I wanted to join them! After we were finally given the okay to run to our sisters, I realized that being an Alpha Chi Omega was going to be one of the best decisions I would make during my college career.
On bid day, I remember running towards my rush crush, Lacey Gore, and giving her the biggest bear hug I could. I was balling my eyes out of happiness. Lacey was kind enough to wipe away every single tear. I never felt so at home. Alpha Chi Omega was becoming my home away from home, and being a part of this amazing organization helped me from ever becoming home sick.
After my first year in Greek life, I began to learn so many new things about life and about myself. I had so many older role models to look up to. It was so fascinating to have older sisters because I have always been the older sister and the oldest cousin on my dad’s side of the family. It was incredible to have someone I could ask advice for, instead of me always giving the advice. My big, Holly Neff, is someone I truly look up to, along with my twin, Rahissa Engle, who is also like a big sister to me. Without those two, I cannot imagine where my life would be right now. In fact, thinking about not having my big, my twin, or my sisters in my life makes me tear up. That is how much Greek life has made an impact on me.
My sisters have shaped me into a better person. Without them, I would not the confident woman I am today. Before becoming an Alpha Chi, I had always been a friendly person. But, now, I have become much more outgoing and much more comfortable talking to people. I feel like I can make small talk with anyone without feeling awkward. I feel like I can be myself and no one will judge me because my sisters can be just as weird. I don’t care, as much, what people think of me, because I have over 100 sisters who will be there for moral support.
I am not trying to persuade everyone to become involved in Greek life, but I highly encourage everyone to go through recruitment. I am aware I have only been a part of Greek life for a year, but so much has happened within that year. I have made lifetime friendships and I have found all my future bridesmaids. I am not better than anyone else just because of my letters. Instead, I have become a better person because of my letters.