I grew up with a pretty close knit family. Living literally right up the hill brings us as close together as you could possibly imagine, but I wouldn't have it any other way. There are some important life lessons that my family didn't teach me that I would like to share.
1.They didn't teach me to play for myself, they taught me to play for the team.
They taught me about my passion for sports; how to shoot my first basket, hit my first softball, spike my first volleyball and run my first 200-meter dash. They showed me their support by attending all my games and meets. They took me to my first Cardinals game and taught me how a nation can come together for the love of a game.
2. They didn't teach me to argue, they taught me to stick up for myself.
They taught me to be vocal and say how I feel and to not let this world and all of its people run all over me. They taught me to speak up with my thoughts and ideas and defend what I believe in.
3. They didn't teach me to be a damsel in distress, they taught me that I could save myself.
They taught me that I don't need to depend on anyone else in life, that I can handle things on my own. They made me an independent woman and help me grow as an individual.
4. They didn't teach me to fight, they taught me to be strong.
They taught me that everything I go through is a stepping stone in my life and just because something is hard now doesn't mean it will always be like that. They taught me that everyone goes through hard times but I will end up a stronger person for enduring that pain and struggle.
5.They didn't teach me how to memorize, they taught me how to learn.
They taught me so many life lessons, but one of the biggest ones is how to do well in school. This is so important now that I am in college and have to be able to apply what I am learning to real life situations instead of just getting through the exam.
6. They didn't teach me to be careless, they taught me to be fearless.
They always taught me that I can do whatever I want. They taught me to chase my dreams, not hold anything back, and never let the fear of something keep me from doing it.
6. Lastly, they didn't teach me how to love, they taught me how to love wholeheartedly.
This is one of the most important things family can teach you and I am lucky that my family did. From all the love they showed me, I am able to love other people and spread it around. There is so much hate in this world, so spreading some love might change a person's day.
My family taught me so much growing up and they are still teaching me things today. They taught me how to be kind, and courageous, to be accepting, and to do my best. They taught me how to work hard and treat others with respect and how to love myself. Thank you for all the amazing things you taught me and continue to teach. I love you all more than you know.