What Music Am I Listening to? 3/1 Edition | The Odyssey Online
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What Music Am I Listening to? 3/1 Edition

Highlighting some of the best music of the week straight from my iPhone.

What Music Am I Listening to? 3/1 Edition

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In a new monthly article update I will be kicking off today, I wanted to share with my viewers what music I listen to on a month-to-month basis. I'll be reviewing more albums in the coming weeks, but I just wanted to provide some context into what I'm listening to at the current moment a new article drops. So without further ado, here are the five albums I'm currently listening to.

​​A​STORWORLD by Travis Scott 

Make no mistake, Travis Scott has provided a certain sound that many music fans can get behind in the past. His rendition of modern trap music has turned into a psycodelic sounding art that seems to come stragiht from the Kanye West school of music. On Scott's third album, he finally puts the two together, forming an sonic sounding trap album that will be talked about for years. What was supposed to be Travis' second studio album, but got pushed back due to his "Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight" album coming out before the project's completion, Scott didn't have to worry as much for a sophomore slump with this album. Plus, the amount of time he spent on the album attributes to the quality of music produced by the Houston producer turned rapper. The album gets its name from the abandoned Six Flags theme park in Houston, and has officially reopened for business, but only inside your ears as you listen to this album take twists, turns, loops, and more. The album's quick cuts from song-to-song provide a crisp, clean listening experience. While Scott may not be with the best lyrical rapper sof this generation, his sonic sounds and beat switchups have made him into one of the best rapper/producers of the decade and should continue to see rise in his fame and fortune with his next album.


Culture by Migos

Many ATLiens consider themselves fans of the Migos before this album. Once this album dropped, not only did the rest of Atlanta know who these guys were, but the entire world knew. Quavo, Takeoff, and Offset created a classic hip-hop album that should be talked about as one of the best all-time with Culture. From the project title, to the cover art, and the music itself is some of the best of my lifetime. The production on this album is insane, from big names like Metro Boomin and Zaytoven joining on the tracks. Memorable lines flood throughout the tracks, from "rain drop, drop top" to their famous ad-libs. A near flawless 13 track album took Migos to a whole new level, and rightfully so.

Best Song: Bad and Boujee (feat Lil Uzi Vert)

If You're Reading This Its Too Late by Drake


At this point in Drake's illustrious career, he was on top of the world. However, after dropping two great albums back-to-back, there was still debate as to whether Drake could hang with raps best. He silenced the critics with the surprise album If You're Reading This Its Too Late in early 2015. This album shows Drake hitting his stride in the rap game, a very good spot to be in for the 6 god. When he raps, in my opinion, he becomes the biggest star in the world. HIs R&B stuff is still really good, but songs like Energy and 10 Bands prove to me that he is a legend when he gets behind the mic and raps. There are not many songs I don't like on this project and will go down as one of Drake's best. For now, this is Drake's peak, and what a peak it was.

Best song: Know Yourself

Beerbongs and Bentleys by Post Malone


Post Malone enjoyed a very successful 2017. He dropped three separate top charting singles and had a platinum album in Stoney. Many rap fans believed this guy would be a one-and-done artist that we have seen before with the Soundcloud rappers, but this guy brought something different to the table. He wasn't just a rapper, he provided many different genres in his album, from rock to pop, and some hip-hop. Beerbongs and Bentleys show off all of Post Malone's talents as a music artist, providing some of early 2018's best songs. A vibing album, that goes from the high's of life to the ultimate lows shown through the voice of Posty makes this album a must-listen-to for all occasions of life. HIs superstardom run has been quite impressive and should continue with whatever he drops next. The one gripe off this album is the tracklist could've been cut down, but most of these songs are good so not a huge complaint from me.

Best Song: Rich and Sad

Pretty Girls Like Trap Music by 2 Chainz

To round out the 5 albums, I decided to go back to a very underappreciated album, Pretty Girls Like Trap Music from hitmaker 2 Chainz. This project is some of Chainz best work in the hip-hop game. He continues to be a guy that keeps getting better and better as the years' progress. He for sure hasn't hit a peak yet. This project is another one that goes up and down, from some great hype songs to more chill, vibe songs. Chainz knows his strengths well, and knowing he is probably in the top 5 of lyrical rappers on the planet helps make this album pop. He drops signature lines throughout and shows exactly what makes him one of the greatest rappers to ever spit bars. Adding in the pink trap house as his cover art with the corresponding house near Atlanta that could be visited, makes this album great past the music. A classic from 2 Chainz that will be in my playlist for the foreseeable future.

Best Song: Good Drank (feat Gucci Mane and Quavo)

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