Having a sense of freedom and being able to experience the real world is exciting, but it can also be terrifying and stressful. Sometimes I wish I could turn back time and be that seven-year-old little girl again who did not have a care in the world. Here are somethings that I miss most about being a kid.
1. Not having to make adult decisions
I hate making decisions. I miss not having to decide where we go or what is for dinner. Sometimes, life becomes so stressful, I start to second guess myself and have to call my mom to help me decide. You’d think that a college student would be old enough to make decisions and to understand things on their own, but sometimes we still need help.
2. Not having to make my own Doctors’ appointments
“What do I even say?!”
3. Not having to cook for yourself
It just tastes better when someone else makes it.
4. Not having to shave
Deciding what to wear because you did not shave is a daily struggle.
5. Snow Days
Snow days = the best days! No School!
6. Naps
I mean who doesn’t love a good nap?
7. Having sleepovers and playdates
Getting excited and counting down the minutes until your best friend comes over and then staying up all night!
8. Not having to pay for yourself
Although it feels good to work hard and to pay for things you want, who does not miss begging mom and dad for that new toy?
9. Not having to work
No work means more time to have fun.
10. Kickball
Who doesn’t love a good game of kickball during recess?
11. Pouting and getting your way… well sometimes.
The puppy dog face doesn’t work the same way it used to…
12. Being pushed on the swing
Swinging on the tire swing in the backyard and having someone push you so high that you thought you could reach the sky was the best.
13. The kids menu
Sometimes all I want is chicken fingers… just kidding I always want chicken fingers.
14. Lollipops at the bank and doctors
Always smiling really big with the hopes of getting a good flavor.
15. The Ice Cream Man
Jumping up when you hear the ice cream man coming down the road. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
16. Not having to shower everyday
Although we played harder and got dirtier, it wasn’t always necessary to get a shower every day.
17. Playing house
It was even better back then because bills and real life struggles were just make believe.
18. Building tents
Boxes, chairs, blankets, anything to help make it the biggest and best tent ever!
19. Being sheltered from the world
Now, everywhere we look something bad is happening.
20. Having someone put you to bed and tuck you in
Missing the times when you could pretend to be asleep just so your parents could carry you from the couch to your bed.
Although our childhood may be over, it does not mean that we have to quit doing the things we loved doing as a kid. “A child who does not play is not a child, but the man who does not play has lost forever the child who lived in him.” — Pablo Neruda