You never actually realize just how lucky you are until you get to college. The things you used to take for granted at home are now suddenly the things you miss the most. Whether it's a home cooked meal or your closest friends, these are the things you miss most. Being away from home for the first time in my life has really showed all these things and I know I am not the only one who feels like this. Here are the things I miss most about home:
1. My Pets.
Everyone misses their pets when they go away. Whether it's a vacation or a one day sleepover, you miss your animals. But let me tell you, being away at school really makes you miss your pets. You miss cuddling with them, playing with them, and just hanging out. Not having your furry pal is tough, however, seeing them run over to you in excitement after being away for so long is a great feeling.
2. Home Cooked Meals.
Eating at the dining hall for the first week of school was great but now, I can't even look at ice berg lettuce. I miss my moms cookies, my dads steak, home made rice and chicken, and veggies. Before, I always wanted to go out to eat at home but now, all I want is my parents home cooking.
3. Showering In Flip Flops.
Showering with flip flops on is weird and is just plain awkward. Flip Flops are made to be worn outside and at the beach, not in the shower.
4. My Family.
Living up the street from your family definitely has its perks. These perks include family dinners, hanging out constantly, and random visits. I miss being able to just walk down the street to say hi to my uncle and aunt, seeing my parents and brother every day, and being able to get lunch with my aunt when ever I want. I love my family and loved being around them all the time, so only seeing everyone every couple weeks was a real adjustment for me.
5. My Own Bed.
Nothing beats being in your own bed. College beds are so small and too high off the ground. Sleeping in you own bed is the best feeling in the world and is definitely something I miss.
6. Local Restaurants.
The pizza place down the road from my house is so good that when I call to order my food, they already know my order and where to deliver to. The hometown restaurants are the best and college food just does not compare.
7. My Town.
As a senior in high school, everyone always says, "I can't wait to leave this place." When you actually get to school, however, you start to miss your home town. You miss the stores, the people, and just the feeling of being at home. College does turn into your second home, however, nothing beats being at your actual home.
8. My Car.
Not having a car is so sad. You feel trapped all the time and feel like you can never leave. I miss being able to go on long drives and going places whenever I want.
9. My Parents Doing My Laundry.
Doing laundry is not my favorite thing. End of story. My mom and dad spoiled me and did my laundry up until I left for school so having to learn how to do my own laundry was not fun. Definitely missing that now.
10. Being A Kid.
At home, you have the luxury of acting like a kid. Your parents cook for you, you can just hang out and have fun, and you don't have a worry in the world. At school, you are on your own. You are the adult and have to take care of yourself. Not having to worry about anything and knowing that your parents are there to help is a great feeling and something I miss a lot.
College is awesome and I wouldn't change it for the world. The friends you make will last you a life time, your school is actually your second home, and you can't imagine being anywhere else. Just remember to always be grateful for what you have because before you know it, you'll be away at school and will be missing these little things most of all.