There are definitely reasons I enjoy college more than I ever enjoyed high school, but in spirit of a busy first week, here are a few things I miss about high school!
1. The First Week.
Sometimes the word "week" is a stretch in this case, since it may have very well started on a Wednesday or Thursday. No complaints about that! Even if it was a full week, it consisted mostly of filling out papers, reading over class expectations and reviewing (or relearning) concepts from last year.
2. The Last Week.
There are bound to be a few unproductive days out of the 180 required days of any given school year. Most of them occur in the last week. Finished with final exams? Movies and free time! This may mean watching the same movie in two different classes, but at least no thinking is involved!
3. Structure.
Looking back, six hours of class a day was miserable, but I enjoyed the structure of it. Classes met at the same time with lunch scheduled in the middle. It was easy to follow on a daily basis. In college, any structure is self-governed and more often that, every day is different. It can be confusing!
4. Substitute Teachers.
Having a substitute usually meant doing absolutely nothing. The absent teacher may have instructions behind, but were they actually followed? Definitely not. A lot of the time, teachers knew that having a substitute meant a wasted learning day, so they wouldn't even assign anything! In college, professors hardly ever cancel class, so I miss the days of substitutes!
5. Extra Credit.
Ah, yes. No matter quantity of the assignment or how difficult the bonus questions, extra credit was a blessing. Even if it wasn't needed, it was still nice to have. As far as I know, there's no such thing as extra credit in college. Grade curves are nice, but are dependent on how the rest of the class does. Extra credit was an individual thing and worth every minute!
Don't get me wrong, college is awesome! Not everything can be the same and for that reason, I do miss some parts of high school. I never thought I'd say that, but it's true!