7 Unexpected Things You Miss About Seattle
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7 Unexpected Things You Miss About Seattle

You never realize what you take for granted until it's gone.

7 Unexpected Things You Miss About Seattle

At the beginning of the semester, when I should have been focusing on making friends, I tore a kid apart for not knowing where Seattle was. “It’s in Oregon, right?” No, not right. Wrong. So, so wrong. After a sputter of disbelief, accompanied by an aggressive history lesson on the forty-second state, I think he got the idea: Seattle is most definitely in Washington. We’re friends now, but for a hot second, I was ready to attack.

I find it hard to believe how lumped together the Pacific Northwest is by the rest of the nation. I mean, Washington is Washington and Oregon is Oregon. We may have our similarities—like trees and mountains and liberals—but we shouldn’t let this distract from the fact that Washington has one thing Oregon will never have. Seattle.

After living in Paris, I’ve realized how much I’ve taken the amazing quirks of my grungy, underrated city for granted over the years. There are so many small unexpected things I miss that nobody else really understands. So here's a list for all my fellow Seattleites and “Seattleites” (yeah, you know why there are quotations) who can’t wait to go home.

1. The drinking water

You don’t know good water until you’ve shoved you face under a Seattle faucet. Call us snobs, but any water that doesn’t come from fresh mountain sources is low-key gross. Even our bottled water is amazing—but only if it’s coming from up north. Sorry, Californian-bottled Arrowhead, you are no match for the Canadian kind.

2. The dress code

Here’s the thing: there isn’t one. You can wear your workout clothes, socks and sandals, or Mariners cap anywhere you want. Dress casually for nice restaurants, feel free to wear khaki shorts to the symphony and don't even bother buying a tie for work. Unfortunately, Seattleites usually learn the hard way that these fashion choices are frowned upon in other cities.

3. Teriyaki joints

For every Starbucks in the greater Seattle area, there exists a teriyaki restaurant. They're the go-to places for a quick bite or late night munchies, and your favorite place most likely knows what you want before you order.

4. Trees

Yes, trees. The best part about the PNW is how it's always green, no matter the season. Unlike most large cities, Seattle is surrounded by towering trees that blur the line between urbanity and nature. Hiking, biking, and skiing opportunities are all short drives away, and the outdoors is a huge part of being a Seattleite.

5. Enforced composting and recycling

There are always (at least) three options for waste in Seattle, but this isn't always the case in other cities. Not separating my trash lately has really been hurting my little green heart.

6. Chihuly

I once read a comparison of Chihuly’s glass art to pigeons. This isn’t inaccurate, but I’ve started to miss seeing the crazy colorful sculptures in every mall and large communal space. Plus, I’d much rather be surrounded by Chihuly's than birds of hell.

7. The scenery

Wherever you are in Seattle, you can either see mountains, water, or both. Unless you're locked in a basement. My personal favorite view is from the 520 bridge of Mount Rainier while driving across Lake Washington. I never truly realized how lucky we were to grow up around such beauty until I moved away from Seattle. It's truly a city like no other.

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