Ask any college student home for the summer and they’ll tell you they’ve already lost track of the days. We don’t know what day of the week it is or what time it is or if we have any responsibilities.
People will ask me what I’m doing on a certain day and my response is “I don’t know, probably nothing,” because I actually don’t know and am probably down to do whatever.
It’s weird. I knew I would miss college but I didn’t realize all of the little things I would miss.
First of all I miss my friends and living either right down the hall or across the street from them. I miss being surrounded by them constantly as opposed to my family. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, but they tend to get on my nerves a lot quicker now than they used to.
I miss having meals ready for me whenever I wanted and having a variety of options. So far I’ve eaten pizza for at least one meal a day and I’m pretty sure I’ve accidentally skipped at least one meal everyday too. I just went grocery shopping with my dad and had to make sure we bought fruit and vegetables.
I miss the gym being across the street from me and jogging over at 4:15 to meet all of my running friends. I miss the Fort Collins trails being no more than a mile or two away from me. I miss the team bonding events.
I actually miss my job, which is crazy, and my coworkers. They annoyed the heck out of me but made coming to work bearable. It’s Thursday as I’m writing this and I miss walking back to the dorms from work with my best friend, gossiping, and grabbing a snack before procrastinating for at least an hour.
I miss having a lofted bed because that was super cool and gave me so much extra space. I miss my room being semi-clean. Now it just consists of semi-emptied boxes and clothes all over the floor and me spending a ridiculous amount of time looking for things that I want or need every day.
It's crazy how much your life can change in a matter of nine months. I’ll cherish the memories and friendships I made and continue to cherish and make more. After all, I’ve only got another three years.