I love living in a time where being a boss-ass bitch is accepted and even encouraged. It's given me the chance to feel comfortable in my own skin and motivated me to dream big. Unfortunately, it's brought about the idea that women who focus on "frivolous" things like clothing, makeup, blogs, social media presence, etc., aren't just as amazing as women who run companies, write books, work in the hard sciences, or in any other field generally dominated by men.
The great thing about being a strong, independent woman (that many people fail to realize) is that you can do whatever the fuck you want.
Whatever. You. Want.
That's the whole point of being independent.
Being a lady boss isn't determined by your profession, your hobbies, or your interests. It's about doing the thing that fills you with fire.
There's something you're passionate about? Go after it! Don't let anyone or anything get in your way.
This goes for everything: being a beauty/lifestyle blogger, writing a fantasy romance, becoming a physicist, working in the fashion industry, doing professional makeup, etc. Nothing that you love and feel confident doing can define you as being less of a woman than anyone else.
A woman can be whoever and whatever she wants to be--and shouldn't be criticized because it seems "pointless" or "materialistic" to someone else.
Women will never fit into any sort of box.
We will be stubborn. Annoying. Kind. But we won't put up with your bullshit--or maybe we will, but that's for us to decide, not anyone else. We're fierce and kind-hearted. We will laugh and cry, or maybe both. We're strong-willed, determined, but we can be fragile.
Some of us like makeup and clothes, but we also play video games. We will cry during The Notebook and later be just as vulgar as the best of them. We're in politics and fashion. Science and Math.
We are lovers and fighters. We are refined, classy--and we say "fuck."
We read, we write, and we know how to code. Some of us can cook and some of us should never be allowed near a kitchen. We like fantasy and romance and mystery and poetry.
We like action movies and romcoms.
We are all different, unique; but we are all women. And the things that we are passionate about, that make us tick--they don't make us any less of a woman.
We are strong, independent.
We will go out into the world and kick ass and we will "sit still [and] look pretty."
Whether it fits into your perfect definition of what a woman should be, it doesn't change the fact that we are women.