More often than not, when I tell people my major, they look somewhat confused or overwhelmed.
"I am a Global Studies Major with a dual concentration in International Affairs, and Development and Social Justice."
Whew. So, it is a mouthful, but what does it mean?
Global Studies encompasses so much. From global health to international relations, there are so many different directions you can take a degree in Global Studies.
Global Studies is also an interdisciplinary degree. This means that I study history, political science, economics, literature, philosophy, anthropology and more. Studying in an interdisciplinary field has helped me gain perspective on different political, cultural, and social issues that will help me in the field of Global Studies further down the road.
Being a Global Studies major means that you have an interest in the world as a whole, and that you are interested in making a difference in some way. Many people study global health and go on to work with NGOs or IGOs that focus on providing immunizations, sanitation, health education, and more to people in the United States and in other countries who may not have access to it.
Another common field is International Relations, and studying the international system. Many of these people are interested in working for the government, or working with NGOs and IGOs for the cooperation of states in the world system.
Global Studies majors want to learn about the world.
They want to travel.
They want to learn about cultures and different societies, and they want to work with people.
There are so many places I can go with my Global Studies degree. As of right now, my dream job would be working with the United Nations' Development Program to help advocate for children's (and especially girls') education around the world. We'll see how that goes, but with Global Studies, I will be able to travel the world and interact with a variety of people from different cultures as a part of my career and vocation.