Today I want to talk about makeup, and what it does for a woman.
I am starting classes again today and getting ready for my first day back at college. I am super excited and want to make a good impression. Standing in my bathroom getting ready to do work on my face, I begin to think about the impact of makeup. What does a little blush here, a little bronzer here, and eye shadow there have to do with making a good impression?
I notice that I am more confident if I have makeup on. I just don't understand what the deal is. So I did some research, and here were the results:
Perceived competence of women who wear makeup
Makeup Competence Reliability Attractiveness Trustworthiness
No Makeup 3.7 3.6 3.1 3.8
Natural Makeup 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.9
Glamorous Makeup 4.2 3.7 3.9 3.9
So it does matter if a woman puts on make up. The perception of that persons trustworthiness is in the balance. I could never understand why my Mom would never let me leave the house without looking presentable. I thought she was just doing it for the perception of others? No she was teaching me that the world does use prejudges to make assumptions, she was just equipping me for the real world. It is ironic, but I will probably be the same way with my daughter.
As a modern mother, this troubles me. Am I going to make my little girl into a 'Toddler in Tiaras'? I mean statistically those with high self esteem make $78,927 and those with low self esteem make on average $50,323. No I am not sure that just looks make us self confident but, it does play a large roll. I know from my experience that days where I look good, I tend to have a good day...When I don't think I look good...It is usually a bad day.
This brings me to the next point I like to make, I usually have a good day when someone complements me. It makes me feel good. I like to try to complement at least one person a day, because I know it makes me feel good. So if I like a woman's outfit, I tell her. I just wish more people were kind like this. I want to live in a world where people are kind and considerate of their fellow man.
So I guess I will close today's blog with a thought to you mothers out there. Let's teach our kids to complement instead of ripping others apart. Teach kindness and self confidence. Because if we can teach our children to be confident, then they wont feel the need to tear apart others, and feel obligated to lift others when they are down. I will make this commitment to our future, because God knows, our generation can't be changed. Mother's, I ask you to instill good character into our children, so their world can be brighter than ours will be. If we can't do this, at least cover the blemishes with some cover up...