Recently, I was able to video chat with a dear friend of mine, and I can say it was exactly what I needed. It gave us the chance to catch up, to discuss life, and to laugh. And it was through our chat that I was reminded of how important it is to have friends that are like-minded. Now, when I say like-minded I don’t mean someone who has the exact same personality or has the exact thoughts as you. Rather, someone who shares the same passions, beliefs and values. This friend is one of those kinds of ‘someone’.
The following is a list, a list of why having like-minded friends is so important. Read it, reflect on your relationships and do what you feel lead to pursue, but also, seek out those who display these qualities.
A like-minded friend….
1. Encourages you to pursue your passions
Not only does a like-minded friend know what you are passionate about, but they are there every step of the way cheering you on. And they do so by encouraging you to reach your goals, through their constant support, and reminding you to keep your eyes focused on the end result.
2. Challenges you to do your best and be your best
They want you to accomplish your dreams, but also maintaining humility, integrity, and joy throughout the process. Challenges can't be brought forth either directly or indirectly. Whether through a statement or through your friend's example and actions.
3.Gives you insight and perspective
This means they not only listen to what you have to say, but they provide insight and a different perspective. Something that you may had not seen before. And they do so generously and compassionately.
4. Holds you accountable
They may be encouraging, but a true friend will make sure you hold tight to your values and beliefs, and that you don’t just throw it all out the window. Of course, they do so in a loving way.
And lastly, a like-minded friend
5. Shares life with you
No matter where you are in life, or how close or far you live from each other, a friend that is like minded shares life with you. Not just in the literal sense, but they experience life with you. They’ve seen, felt, encountered, life’s challenges, and joys with you.
And so my dear readers, I hope that as you reflect on your friendships, you find these qualities in those closest to you. If you do, thank them. Because to have a friend with qualities such as these, is someone who you can call more than just a friend, but a brother and sister. So seek out those who are like-minded, pursue your passions, stay true to your beliefs, and honor the values you hold.
In closing, to my sweet sister and friend who I mentioned earlier, and to other dear friends of mine who share the same place in my heart; thank you for lending me an ear from time to time. Thank you for encouraging me to seek out what I am passionate about. And thank you for reminding me of the beliefs and the values that we share.