What Makes a Latina a Leader | The Odyssey Online
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What Makes a Latina a Leader

No Latinx here, this is for all my ladies.

What Makes a Latina a Leader

What makes a Latina a leader?

When I hear the question “What Makes a Latina a Leader?”, sometimes I feel that there is no answer. I turn on the news and hear Donald Trump’s ideas against Mexican-Americans and immigrants in general. I hear about Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, both Latinos themselves, talk about suppressing their own people. I hear, I listen, and I wonder.

What makes a Latina a leader?

A LatinaI? A leader?

It puzzles me to think myself as a leader from the times I was bullied at a predominantly Caucasian middle school. I ponder about how to think of myself, or my people, as leaders.

Then I remember that I was a leader this whole time.

Latinas have been leaders this whole time. Without even knowing it. We have to remind ourselves sometimes.

So what makes a Latina a leader?

It’s not necessary black or white, not even a gray, but various shades of gray as it varies from one Latina to the next. Each one possesses her own character and background that makes her a leader. Each Latina has their own story and background behind her that makes her who she is. We have our own story that makes us.

Even though we are from different backgrounds, what makes a Latina a leader is that they never forget their background. They never forget where they come from. I will never forget where I come from. I shall never forget my background. I shall never forget my mother coming to the United States from Brazil and making it all on her own, job after job, trying to provide a better life for my siblings and me. I shall never forget my mom coming from Brazil only in her 20's, in hopes to escape the facist and corrupt government there. Each Latina comes from their own background whether being in their home country, being an immigrant, or being first or second generation. They remember.

And the best part is that, they’re not ashamed.

One time listening to the radio, talk show host Michael Berry stated:

“There are two kinds people in the world: those who are proud of where they came from and show and those who hide in silence because they are ashamed of it.”

Latinas are the first one: We are proud of where we come from and show it. We use our background to our advantage. Everyday we are reminded of the many sacrifices we and our families have made, all in hopes that we make it and become better than we once were. All in hopes that we become not our own leader, but a leader for others. A leader to not just other Latinos, but leader for everyone else to follow.

Just imagine if famous leaders like Sonia Sotomayor or Joan Baez were “ashamed” of being Latina. Would have the made any progress? Would they have changed the environment for not only their people for all those who are struggling? The answer is simple that Latinas are not afraid to use their background as a motivation and as way to drive change. The experiences whether good or bad, whether it was making dinner with your mother every evening or being called an “alien” on the bus every day, this is what shapes a Latina into a leader. With this good and bad, it creates an almost yin-yang like personality that beliefs that drives a Latina to prove themselves to both those who love them and those who may not.

Overall what makes a Latina a leader is her experiences which were so great that they have created her to become a wise women. This wisdom is what makes her a leader…. Her wisdom acquired from her background, her experiences, and her beliefs. That is what makes a Latina a leader.

"The Latina in me is an ember that blazes forever."

-Sonia Sotomayor

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