I joined my sorority two years ago. Since I've joined, I've learned that being in a sorority is so much more than just cute pictures, themed parties, and the occasional glitter blow video. It's about being a part of something much bigger than yourself, and making connections and relationships that will last a lifetime. I have also learned much more about Greek Life as a whole.
I've learned that each sorority and fraternity is unique and different in their own ways, and that as a whole, each contribute something great to the Greek Life community on every campus. People who are not involved in Greek Life often ask, "What is the difference between all the sororities? If they all do the same things, how do you choose just one?" Well, the answer is simple, and the same goes for both womens sororities and mens fraternities:
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1. Philanthropy
Each Greek organization has a nation-wide partnership and affiliation to a certain charity organization. Some sororities and fraternities have even formed their own charity organization. Each Greek Life chapter hosts different philanthropy events that raise money for its charity each semester.
Usually, these events require participation from all other chapters, and sometimes the whole campus or community! These events are how the chapters in the Greek System support each other. Most chapters also do some sort of hands-on with the charities that they donate too, which creates a special connection between the members of the Greek Organization and the charity it
2. Values
This is probably the most important difference between each organization. Each chapter has its own special set of values and standards that they strive to hold themselves to. Some chapters focus more on self-confidence, others are all about making a difference in the community, some are very focused on being well-rounded, etc. A lot of chapters' values are based off of religious purposes and many groups have references to the Bible in their ritual. (We'll talk about that next.) Each chapters' set of values is different, and often reflected in each of its members.
3. Ritual
This is something sacred and special to each group. Rituals are the secret ceremonies that only initiated members get to see and be a part of. Each part ritual was formed back in the early days of the organization (some as early as the 1800's) and these traditions have been passed down from chapter to chapter sense then. Ritual is the same for every chapter of each organization, so it connects brothers and sisters all over the country.