There are a lot of things that can make or break a conversation between two people or a group of people. I think one of the biggest issues in maintaining a meaningful conversation is staying focused on the person who is speaking to you, and carefully listening to what they are talking about. Paying attention to someone who is speaking directly to you is not only respectful, but it also lets the person speaking know that they have your undivided attention. When two people speaking together focus on each other they are able to have a meaningful and interesting conversation. There is a certain etiquette when appropriately conversing with someone as well. For example it is insensitive for one speaking party to dominate the conversation, particularly with anecdotes that are irrelevant or not relatable to the other parties in the conversation. Also staying off of electronic devices is pertinent to having an interesting interaction with someone. When someone is constantly checking their phone, it makes the speaker feel as though they are boring or uninteresting, and this is a quick way to kill a good conversation dynamic. Lastly, patience is key in good social interactions. People can tell when you are so excited to get your next thought in that you are hardly focusing on what they are actually saying. In general, if two conversing parties are willing to focus on each other, stay off their phones, and actively listen to each other an interesting conversation can blossom.
RelationshipsJan 24, 2017
How Can People Maintain Meaningful Conversations?
What makes a conversation interesting?