As 2016 reaches its final stretch before next year, I've realized some extremely important things. This year has been a series of ups and downs and I couldn't have made it through better than I have. I have let go of old friends, escaped extremely toxic relationships, fallen back in love with myself and reevaluated who exactly it is that I am. It took some of the absolute worst moments of my life to find myself. It was after these things happened that I realized: What loving yourself looks and feels like!
Respecting Other's Differences
This was the most important thing for me to learn. It took a couple of fights with close friends to realize that I'm not always right and everyone does not think and operate like me or the way that I want them to. Self-love is about acceptance so accept that not everyone thinks and likes the things you do. It's our differences that make us special.
Just Saying No
Sometimes the best feeling in the world is to just say "NO." You don't have to agree with everything and anything just because you feel socially obligated. You're worse off if you agree to do something that you really don't want to do and you end up just being a downer. So the best advice I can give is to just say no and don't feel bad about it.
No Apologies
Be unapologetically you! If you're a weirdo and that's the quality you adore about yourself- Be that! Don't ever apologize for staying true to you. Loving yourself starts with being yourself no matter what others may think about you.
Not Caring Too Much
Now I'm not saying walk around life like a sociopath but I am saying the majority of things you stress over won't seem that serious once you give it a little bit of time. Try not to stress over the things that you can't change. All that does is make an unhappy you. So make sure you go about life caring just a little bit less and watch how happy you become.
Laughing Just A Little Bit Harder
Seriously this one has helped me through so much this year and so what if you look and feel crazy, it's the best kind of crazy. There's actual science behind laughing and mood regulation so whenever you're feeling under pressure or stressed laugh like a maniac. Not only are others likely to join in people will let their guard down around you.
Understanding that You Come First
No matter what obligations you have, you have to remember that you are the most important person in your life. Without watching out for your emotional health, you can't possibly be there for others. So take time out of your week and make time for your wants and needs. Trust me, you'll thank yourself in the long run for this.