Those three words have so much meaning to so many, but to just as many others, it means nothing. Love in itself is a mixture of joy and trust. My best friend only genuinely uses the word love to describe me and his parents, any other use of the word is done ironically or is insincere. And I have only felt love one other time in my life and it has ended in tears and lots of threats directed at the object of my affection. So when my boyfriend of two weeks said that he loved me I almost dumped him and went into a panic attack on the spot. When I say love, I have made a conscious decision that you are the object of my affection, but in this instance I was thrown. I don’t know if it was self doubt or doubt in him or it was too soon, but I had to sit back. Is this person going to be the one I prioritize, idolize and adore more than life itself? I already adored him. I already wanted to be around him all the time. But love? When I say I love you, I mean it. I would take a bullet for you. I would travel for hours in the snow just to get to you. I mean that I enjoy and trust you. When I say I love you I mean it, and I most definitely do love you. Darling never forget that.