What Love Is | The Odyssey Online
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What Love Is

Cheesy as it may seem, it truly is all about the little things.

What Love Is

"And then my soul saw you and it kind of went,

'Oh there you are. I've been looking for you'."

Love is a big word. It has a big meaning with sometimes scary connotations. It shouldn't, though. Love is made up of so many small moments. It's made up of a cluster of happy snippets throughout the day. Whether you love your best friend or your best friend has become the person you've fallen in love with, the love present comes in all shapes and forms. When you meet people worth keeping around for the long run, I hope it looks like this.


A hand hug when you need it most.

The question of how you're really doing.

Sitting back to back, just enjoying the company.

An outrageous promise kept.

A funny face in a room full of people.

Singing at the top of their lungs right there beside you.

Taking the leap together.

The unimportance of a backstory, yet the welcome and when it comes.

Someone to hang upside down with to "gain perspective."

An unexpected push in the pool and the pulling in of the other.

A mutual understanding that neither one of you are too cool for anything.

Giving compliments as facts.

A tickle fight at any moment.

Knowing what that scar is from.

The necessity to wish them a good morning.

Laughter that turns into a snort (which only makes you laugh more).

An impromptu back scratch, neck rub, or just the placement of their head on your shoulder.

A perfect amount of space.

Going on a mission or doing foreign accents poorly in public places because nothing else matters.

The insistence to please cut you in line.

Simply studying someones face, eye color, worry lines, or dimples. Every freckle matters.

I'm not so sure that there is just one true love for everybody. It's because of these tiny moments that I'm beginning to think that loving people in these small ways is the truest way to find and experience love.

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