What To Look For In A Guy | The Odyssey Online
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What To Look For In A Guy

It's what's inside that counts.

What To Look For In A Guy

People always tell you it's what's inside that counts. It's really great advice, truly. I only worry about what's on the inside. Proverbs 31:30a says "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;" something I truly take to heart. Literally though, heart health is important. Let's look at the things you need to look for in a man.

1. A Steady Heart

There is nothing a woman likes more than a man who has a steady beating heart. A solid 80 beats per minute is perfect for sustaining life to a ripe old age and for passing on favorable genetics to future children.

2. A Nice Set of Lungs

It's always great to know that special someone has healthy, working lungs. Hearing him breath with little issue and knowing he's at a low risk for future lung disease is great. I mean, name something more attractive than lungs that need no assistance in obtaining oxygen.

3. Working Kidneys

It's really a pain when you have to donate one of your perfectly good kidneys because you decided to date someone who doesn't have it together. This is why one of the main things we ladies need to look for are working kidneys. It says a lot about a man who can properly filter waste.

4. A Good and Healthy Liver

There's nothing that gets me going more than knowing that my man can filter toxins through his superb liver. Who wants to date a Jerry Garcia when you can date a man who has his liver functioning.

5. A Decent Sized Brain

Now, we all want someone who's smart, but we also want someone whose brain is properly functioning on a neurological level. I just love it when I can tell a man's brain is properly sending the signals to the rest of the nervous system allowing him proper use of motor functions.

6. A No Nonsense Pancreas

Enzyme producing, insulin secreting pancreas. Oh, I love a pancreas that knows what it's doing and doesn't take any crap from high fat diets and adult onset diabetes.

7. A Stomach with Fortitude

There's nothing sexier than knowing a stomach, while being well taken care of, can take on a shameless night of suicide sauce wings and endless mozzarella sticks. Who wants to date someone who can't go to McDonald's at midnight and eat a McDouble with little to no consequences.

8. Intestines to Die For

Digestion is important to getting nutrients and intestines are crucial in doing that. Looking deep into the eyes of a man who is not only absorbing in your beauty and warmth but also absorbing multiple nutrients and minerals from what he just ate is something that is both heartwarming and commendable.

9. Deep, Flexible Dermis

Mmmmm dermis. I just love it when I can tell under that smooth layer of epidermis, is a flexible and follicle producing layer of dermis. Knowing that nerve endings, blood vessels, and oils glands are in a nice layer of elasticity and strength is just stimulating. I love a man with a good dermis.

10. O+ Blood

You can sleep safe at night knowing you're in a loving relationship with someone who can successfully donate vital organs and blood to you and your future offspring. What a blessing from the Lord God Himself when one finds a mate that's compatible with you on an emotional and blood donation level.

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