My first time living alone was when I was 18 years old. I will say that it was scary, and very new. However, it was pretty amazing. Now if you're like me, independence was something that came natural. I was never really taught it, but I was just good at it.
Living alone was something that taught me a lot. The life skills that being away from home have taught me are amazing. I will say that not going home for the first time after my first year of college, was interesting to say the least. Staying at college over the summer was an experience that I wouldn't want to change. I had a summer filled with laughter and tears. Good moments and some not so good moments.
Here are 10 reasons why I found living alone for the summer really benefited me.
1. It taught me how to budget wisely.
I had to remember that I got paid bi-weekly and that I couldn't buy taco bell every other day.
2. It taught me how to be more humble.
I was taught that it was okay to not have it all together and that living alone the first time wasn't gonna be easy.
3. It taught me that it was okay to cry when its hard.
Life can be hard sometimes.
4. It taught me that the adult life isn't always fun.
When you have to pay bills, you can feel the adulting set it.
5. It taught me how to handle my freedom wisely
Just because you can do whatever you want, doesn't always mean you should.
6. It taught me how to still have fun and be an adult.
I mean who says you can't have a little fun when it comes to being an adult.
7. It taught me to appreciate my time home more.
Nothing like coming home and getting to spend time with family.
8. It taught me to appreciate the time with friends.
I mean who isn't excited to see their best friend after weeks of not seeing them!
9. It taught me how to handle my problems.
I may not of known everything, but I was able to find a way to figure it out.
10. It taught me a whole new idea of confidence.
It taught me how to walk with my head held high, even when the world tries to bring me down.
All in all, the lessons that living alone for the first time taught me helped shape me. I have a feeling that when I do it for real, I will be able to handle it a lot better. I know that I will be able to take the world by storm with the life lessons I learned this past summer.