Father's Day was this past Sunday, and I was extremely excited to give my father the guitar pedal that he had been wanting for a long time. As we celebrated my dad, I thought about the moment I was in. I remember it so well: going out to eat, giving him the gift and watching X-men later that night with him. I thought how I remember the moment currently, but what happens a year from now? Or two years? Or ten years? Will I still remember the sweet moments I spent with him? Will he? Or will this Father's Day become a little memory tossed in the back of our heads? That may sound unpleasant, but it brings to mind the question, "What does it all mean?" If the events happening now turn into little moments down the road, then why go through them?
My answer to the question is that moments are vital, no matter the size. The little dates you go on with your friends or the nights where you stay in to watch movies together, even if you forget about them they still mean something. The little things in life have a purpose, and that purpose is to form bonds with the ones you love. My relationship with my father is an example. We have had many daddy-daughter dates especially when I was really little. He would take me out to different concerts or would just be me and him at home learning how to play guitar. I don't remember what concerts he took me to (he surprises me every time he brings up a concert we supposedly went to together) or the exact rhythms and songs he taught me on guitar. However I do know that whenever music comes to my mind I think fondly of my dad. Back when I was going to these concerts with him and learning guitar, they seemed like huge moments to me, but now I barely remember where we were and who we went to see.
In the end, we are only human. We may not remember exactly what we did on our eighth birthdays or what we gave our fathers two years ago for Father's Day. However the emotions we feel in that moment stick with us for life. Even when we forget the little moments (and we will), we still remember the affection we have for our loved ones. Therefore, the next time we make a toast to the huge event in our lives, make a toast to the little moments in our lives because they are what brought us this far and made the special bonds with the ones we love.