Whether we like it or not, the coming election is ever-present in our lives. It's all over television and social media for a good reason; that is to get people to be more patriotic.
The term patriotic comes from an idea that has been a part of the United States for centuries, even before the formation of the unified colonies. It's an amazing quality to empower yourself with but, in recent years, it has lost true meaning. What I mean by this is that, due to many recent terrible and unfortunate series of events around the country, many people are turning their backs on the red, white and blue. Let me give some background as to why I have become more accustomed to the sense of being a patriot.
It all started when I was younger and I first learned about the President and how he was elected, then came the different extensions of the government, including local police departments. Everything that makes the country function is all part of the word patriot, and the people of that country are what make the word present in the real world. We, as a people, are the living proof that the idealism of patriotism exists, and I am proud to say that I am a patriot. Patriotism doesn't mean you have to prove yourself to your country, but that you have to stay informed and do what is best for the country.
When it comes to today's generation and communities, many people refrain from establishing themselves as proud citizens, mainly because of the recent terrible incidences. Some of these incidents include wrongful shootings, wrongful convictions, corruption and many other injustices that have built up over time. The result is more people becoming less and less proud of their nation and, as a whole, often feeling disgusted with our society.
Patriotism is about remaining steadfast in times of crisis. The reason that patriotism stands for this is that every citizen must stand with one another in order for the country to unify itself. It has been done in the past and helped to rebuild the country as a whole then. Remaining vigilant in times of crisis has always been a staple in the American ideology, but now with everything that is going on, it is absolutely necessary for many people to keep the country together in any way possible. This is why I still proudly state that I am a patriot and will always remain a patriot; to better the country in every way possible.