Seeing someone who just seems to have their life together is upsetting, but it's even worse when you're friends with them. You look at them and think "Why can't I be a little bit more like them?" at least once a day when you're around them. You almost look up to them and hope that maybe someday, your life will be even half as put together as theirs seems to be right now. You all know exactly who I'm talking about. We call this person the 'mom' of the group.
I'm sure being the mom is hard at times, but not being the mom is even worse. If you're not the mom of the group, you're basically the child; but hey, moms need someone to take care of, right?
Comparing yourself to the mom of the group is bad enough, but being compared to them by someone else is just embarrassing. Here's what that comparison usually looks like.
1. The Bedroom
Your room is so college-like, with its few mismatched decorations and weeks' worth of dirty laundry on the floor, while her room is perfectly decorated and cleaned to perfection with not a single thing out of place.
2. Daily Appearance
You got out of bed before noon today? That's a victory in itself. Daily hygiene is not always possible, and you've been wearing the same sweatshirt all week. Meanwhile, here's mom over there, up and ready to go, wearing a cute outfit with her hair fixed by 8 a.m.
3. Quality of Dinners
The mom prepares a four-course meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, while you eat approximately one meal a day when combining all the random thing you ate throughout that time frame.
4. She's Studious
It's the first week of classes and she has all her assignments for the semester written in her planner and has different binders for each class, while you don't even have a pen to sign in with on the attendance sheet.
5. And has her Life on Track
Not only is she prepared in class, but she knows exactly where her life is taking her and what her plans for the future are, while you aren't even sure what class you have next.
6. And gives Good Advice
She's the person you call when you need help. Whether you need to borrow something other than sweatpants to wear for once, or you're sick and don't what to do, she's the best at helping out.
You get along with this girl because she plays the role of your actual mom while you're away from home.
She's almost ahead of her time, as she would rather stay in and drink a glass of wine on a Saturday night while you're out romping around at the frats. And don't worry, she's up making breakfast the next morning while you're still reliving last night's events. As much as you may envy her studious and put together ways, she motivates you to do your best.
Every shambly group of friends needs one: she's the caretaker of the group, and you're basically all her children. Nobody can survive college without their mom, and that is why we're thankful to have a mom of the group to fill her place when need be.