In case you don't know, INFJ (which stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging) is one of the sixteen Myers-Brigg personality types. (For more information about personality types, check out this link.) It is unique because it's the rarest personality type, making up a mere two percent of the population. I love studying personality types and, as an INFJ myself, I thought I would explain a little of what it's like to be an INFJ.
We like to plan things...a lot.
INFJs do not like doing things spur of the moment. Structure is sooo important to us. I know for me, I sometimes even get frustrated if something is up in the air - it gives me peace of mind to know for sure whether my plans are happening or not. Also, I can definitely be spontaneous sometimes, but it depends on my mood. It's different for every INFJ.
We can't handle long periods of solitude.
Audrey Hepburn said it perfectly. Even though INFJs might technically be introverts, it doesn't mean we don't like people. I don't know that I'd necessarily call myself a people person, but at the same time I enjoy spending all day with the right kind of people. If I'm with friends that I connect with, I'm more relaxed and I don't feel a need to have solitude or alone time.
Small talk is THE WORST.
This is why I sometimes find making friends stressful. It takes time to get to know someone and really be able to talk with them, and I hate all the small talk it takes to get to that point. I never know what to say and I just feel fake and awkward making small talk. (That moment when you've always related more to Mr. Darcy than Elizabeth...) On the other hand, I can't tell you how much we INFJs love deep, therapy-like conversations about life. Just the other day I FaceTimed my best friend until 2 a.m. and it was the best part of my week. There's something about a good, deep talk that's healing to the soul.
We're a tad bit of perfectionists.
INFJs have this constant feeling like we're not living up to our full potential. There's always something we can do to improve ourselves. I experience this with everything - if my room is a mess when I walk in at night exhausted from work, I can't go to bed until I've straightened it up because it bothers me too much. And whenever I can't give something my all (or even as much as I want to) because I just don't have enough time, it's the worst feeling.
We like to focus on the future.
Okay, so our plans (hopefully) look nothing like April's, but we INFJs are very future-oriented. It doesn't even have to be about having specific plans for the future - just vaguely thinking about the future and ways to make a difference or have an impact. Daydreaming isn't just a pastime, it's a way of life. Because of this, it can be easy to create high expectations for the future and then be disappointed when things don't turn out the way we want.
These are just a few of the many, many things (we're known for our layers) that define INFJs. If you've never taken a personality test, I strongly suggest you take one! It's so eye-opening to learn about your personality type.