"There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and live just a little bit better." I'm not really bragging that I have a lot of friends because believe me, it can get crazy at times. You learn so much about life from these silly people that you've been blessed to call friends.
Here's what it's like having a big friend group:
1. Group message is a love/hate relationship
You seem so popular because your phone is dinging off the hook. It's a great tool to make plans and converse with each other. But since you put it on mute or "do not disturb" anyways, you come back to 200 messages and missed two fights and a funny joke.
2. There are cliques within the clique
It's inevitable with such a big group there will be small friend groups within the big group. There's nothing particularly wrong with having small groups because some are just closer to others.
3. Headquarters
Headquarters is the place we typically go to when we hang out. It could be at one of our houses or the local Starbucks.
4. People not in the friend group know who we are
It's like a fan club, but we aren't that cool. Mutual friends will see a person tagged in a picture, or they follow one of us so they ultimately befriend everyone in the group.
5. You've accepted that people come and people go
The group could have started off with 20 people and is now down to 14. It's a process figuring out who your real friends are. It's alright losing friends that aren't worth your time.6. Making plans is stressful
It's hard to make plans when we all have different schedules. It involves at least 100 text messages to put the plans in action.
7. FOMO is real
"Fear of Missing Out" is a real thing. Feeling lonely when you have to watch through Snapchat because you can't make one event.8. We know each other so well that we know what will push each other's buttons
Does one person not like a certain nickname? Is there an inside joke that will make us laugh like no other? One of the best things about friendship is all the messing around and laughing we do when we are together. My favorite is that moment when someone is removed from the group message because of something they said.
9. Making the most with our time together
We don't all go to the same school, so when we get a chance to hang out, there is something planned. We could be doing a service project, on a retreat, studying, watching a movie, or going out at night and we could make so many memories (and inside jokes).
10. We make plans to hang out even if we spent seven hours playing a card game the day before
You would think that we would get tired of each other (oh we do). But we are coming up with new things to do every time.