Going Back To College After Break, As Told By 'Harry Potter' | The Odyssey Online
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Going Back To College After Break, As Told By 'Harry Potter'

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Going Back To College After Break, As Told By 'Harry Potter'

Much like the "Harry Potter" series, winter break went from lighthearted and slightly mischievous to pretty freaking grim. Sleepy days with lots of holiday shopping turned to extreme boredom and "Harry Potter" weekends on ABC Family. Reunions with "home friends" eventually became annoying and you realized why you only text them when you're home. Pretty soon you're itching to get back to school and all your friends.

1. Saying goodbye to no responsibilities

Au revoir, sleeping in and wearing the same sweatpants three days in a row.

2. Finally being away from your parents again

No more chores, curfew, or intrusive questions about your school work and love life.

3. Seeing your best friend for the first time in a month

You have a million things to tell them, like how you totally did notsleep with your ex-boyfriend over break, even though you texted them every day and they are still your yellow heart on Snapchat.

4. Going back to eating cafeteria food

Home-cooked meals are a thing of the past. Say hello to caf coffee and too much meat on your sandwich.

5. Trying to wake up for your Monday 7:45 class

You lie in bed wondering how on Earth you chose to even take a class this early, even if it is Capstone.

6. Trying to stay awake in that Monday 7:45 class

Aren't your professors just happy enough that you made it to class in the first place?

7. Picking up your books from the campus book store

This 100 page paperback book doesn't look like it should cost $150 but oh boy, does it.

8. Your first drunk meal back at your usual haunt

Eating at the Cafe every day might suck but weekend grub at 2 a.m. is the real reason we go to college in the first place

9. Gliding into syllabus week like

Nothing is better than syllabus week. A week of no actual homework and being able to drink every night? Yes, I'll have as much of that as you will give.

10. Going out that first weekend

You haven't looked this sparkly or dolled up since before finals last semester and, damn, does it feel good to be back.

11. What you expect seeing your crush again will be like

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Maybe they will have spent the whole break pining for you. They totally "liked" like three of your Insta pics so that has to mean something ... right?

12. What seeing your crush is actually like

Well, maybe you will do better next time ...

13. Telling all your friends all your stories from over break

Even though you probably were Snapchatting them the whole time all of this was happening, and you only really have like five stories from the whole month of break because you mostly stayed in watching TV, so you just tell the same stories to everyone.

14. Wearing all your new Christmas clothes

Yass, Queen. You feel fierce AF that first week of classes with all the new merchandise.

15. Seeing the kid you hate walk into your class

Damn this liberal arts education that makes bio majors like him take history classes with the likes of you.

16. Looking ahead in the syllabus

Is it too late to just not come back? Three group projects? But you hate group projects!

17. Pulling some BS out of thin air when a prof asks you a content question during syllabus week

Um, yes you are aware that this is a review, and no, you do not remember anything from last semester.

18. Seeing that girl you do not like for the first time this semester

Your tolerance for seeing people you hate dissipated over break and now you're not sure if you will ever build it back up again.

19. Going back to community bathrooms

You don't even want to know what is in that last sink. Though you suspect it might be living.

20. Telling yourself you have to slay this semester

You are totally going to go to the library every day and not go out every weekend. No more procrastinating. This semester you will actually use your planner. Maybe you will even work ahead. Probably not but you tell yourself you will try.

All in all though, you are so glad to be back at school. Home is great but it gets old real quick. College is stressful and you might be broke but you at least have friends and easy access to alcohol.

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