“What do you like about Westminster?”
I was asked this question this week while I was presenting to a high school class about applying to college. At the time, I was a little caught off guard, so I answered with what people usually notice as benefits of Westminster: the small class sizes and close –knit community make Westminster very personal. On my drive back to campus, I was still dwelling on the question, but as my week unfolded, I realized that I love Westminster for all of the reasons I mentioned, but it is so much more than a close community and small classes.
The small-town feel of Westminster brings a sense of safety. The friends I have made inside of this little bubble Westminster has created for me have been some of the best friends to ever enter my life. When I first came to Westminster, all I wanted was to pop this bubble that sometimes suffocated me, but now I am thankful I was trapped. The relationships through activities and life similarities will forever be with me, and I don’t know if they would have happened if I hadn’t been in such a small town. Everyone at Westminster is so supportive and encouraging, and I would not want to spend my 4 years of college with any other friends.
Aside from the community of Westminster, the professors, staff members, and Career Center are always seeking opportunities for students to build their resumes. Whether it is workshops to learn techniques, classroom opportunities, internships, or job opportunities, Westminster College wants students to succeed. Professors will pull aside students, and tell them that they know of an internship that they think someone is good for, and help make connections to make it possible. Westminster College, itself, is very reputable, and the students need to take advantage of the benefits that will come from this small school. The academic, social, and personal fulfillment makes me want to strive to be more, to never stop growing, and to never stop learning. The opportunities are endless.
Westminster takes pride in service work, which is one of my strongest passions. Not only are there opportunities for the students get involved, but the opportunities are for what students are passionate about. The faculty and staff of Westminster College go above and beyond to make anything possible for the students to fulfill their desires to serve others. Earlier this semester, we were having a service committee meeting, and I mentioned that I would like to be more involved with helping the elderly in the community. I had seen a lot of lonely older people out getting coffee and grocery shopping, and I felt a strong pull on my heartstrings to be more available to them. I wondered how many of them had no one to have a cup of coffee with or even someone to talk to. Westminster has many nursing homes and assisted living homes in the area that are extremely convenient for students to help out. The idea of becoming more involved was then presented to the Rev. Mohr at the college, and he made it happen for us. After a few weeks of planning and phone calls, a group of us went to meet and hang out with the older people for a while this week. The joy we brought to them was indescribable. The passion Rev. Mohr has for the passions of his students made this possible, and I am very thankful for him. Westminster’s service opportunities go beyond measure. Every group on campus, every faculty member, staff member, and every student is a true example of what it means to serve the community The constant concern for others that this school possesses inspires me to be better. It inspires me to care for others with the hopes that I can change lives, even when I feel helpless. The radiating positivity and kindness of Westminster make me proud to be a titan.