Many of you may be able to relate to this and some of you not so much. I’m super lucky to not have had my parents hand me everything growing up. Don’t get me wrong, that would be extremely cool, but I’ve learned a lot about the real world because of this. I grew up in a family who had enough money to get by and get what we needed, but not always for the extra. When I was younger I didn’t pay much attention to this, but when I got into high school it was challenging. I couldn’t always go out with my friends or get the newest stuff, and it was annoying. I made a change. My freshman year of high school I got a job working at the local Dairy Queen, got my license the following year, bought a car and paid for all of my school supplies and clothes... I felt amazing! Not many kids could say they did what I did.. I learned many things from that year of change that have continued to follow me throughout my life and here they are.
1. Value of a Dollar
At fifteen, I was making my own money, working weekends and paying for things I needed. There was no need to ask my parents for money. I would be very appreciative that I earned the money I did. You learn a lot from earning your own money and not always having to ask for ten bucks here and there. With having bills to pay with those paychecks I learned I couldn’t spend all my earnings on clothes - I had to set aside my bills and then I would have the rest to play with. Yes, I found it hard to save (I still don’t know how to save my money), but I made it through each week.
2. Responsibility
I learned well pretty straight forward that not everything would be handed to you in life. I had to work for things I wanted. For example, the job I have currently I had to work very hard for. It took me almost three months to get hired. After many calls with the manager, interviews, and meet and greets I finally got the job. I’ve been here for over a year and I love it. What I learned from this is I do have to work hard and to not give up. My job has taught me many skills that I use daily; patience, time management, and responsibility of not only myself but others.
3. Being Self Sufficient
When growing up there is going to be a time where you will need to fully be responsible for taking care of yourself all the time. I pay all my bills, I feed myself, and I get up on my own. All of these things sound very simple, but imagine how many people your age that don’t do these.
I couldn’t imagine what my life would be like if I didn’t have these basic skills. I recommend anyone who is having their parents do everything for them to stop… It isn’t going to help you in the long run and your parents aren't going to be around forever. You will feel amazing for doing these on your own, I promise.